Associate Professor
Decision Sciences and MIS

Qizhi Dai is an associate professor at the department of Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems. She earned her Ph.D. in MIS from University of Minnesota. Her current research interests include the value of information systems, IT platforms and standards, and information technology and service management. She has published her work in MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, Information Technology Management, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication and International Journal of Electronic Commerce. Her teaching interests include database management, programming and information systems strategy. She served as an associate editor for the Information and Management, and Electronic Commerce Research and Application. She is a reviewer for numerous journals including Information Systems Research and Journal of Management Information Systems. She was the program co-chair for the sixteenth International Conference on Electronic Commerce in August 2014.
Areas of Expertise
- eCommerce
- Information System Management
- Business Value of Information Technology
- Economics of Information Technology
- Computer Information Systems/Management Information Systems
Selected Works
Dai, Qizhi, Mossafer, Dodi, and Gefen, David, Perceived Psychological Contract Violation and Low Trust in Traditional Medical Providers and the Resulting Transition to Telemedicine Services. Strategies in Accounting and Management (SIAM) 4 (May 2024).
Dai, Qizhi, Understanding how platform modularity enhances network effects. Electronic Markets (Aug 2023).
Chen, Xin, Dai, Qizhi, and Na, Chaohong, How finance shared services affect profitability: an IT business value perspective. Information Technology and Management (Feb 2023).
Chen, Xin, Dai, Qizhi, and Na, Chaohong, The Value of enterprise information systems under different corporate governance aspects. Information and Technology Management (Dec 2019).
Yang, Christopher C., Tang, Xuning, Dai, Qizhi, Yang, Haodong, and Jiang, Ling, Identifying Implicit and Explicit Relationships Through User Activities in Social Media. International Journal of Electronic Commerce 18 (Winter 2014):73-96.
Aggarwal, Nitin, Dai, Qizhi, and Walden, Eric A., Are open standards good business?. Electronic Markets 22 (Spring 2012):63-68.
Aggarwal, Nitin, Dai, Qizhi, and Walden, Eric A., The More, The Merrier? How the Number of Partners in a Standard-Setting Initiative Affects Shareholders’ Risk and Return. Management Information Systems Quarterly 35 (Jun 2011):445-462.
Zaman, Maliha, Anandarajan, Murugan, and Dai, Qizhi, Experiencing Flow with Instant Messaging and Its Facilitating Role on Creative Behaviors. Computers in Human Behavior 26 (Sep 2010):1008-1019.
Anandarajan, Murugan, Zaman, M, Dai, Qizhi, and Arinze, Orakwue B., Generation Y Adoption of Instant Messaging: An Examination of the Impact of Social Usefulness and Media Richness on Use Richness. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 53 (Jun 2010):132-143.
Benaroch, Michel, Dai, Qizhi, and Kauffman, Robert J., Should We Go Our Own Way? Analyzing Backsourcing Flexibility in IT Service Outsourcing Contract. Journal of Management Information Systems 26 (Spring 2010):317-358.
Dai, Qizhi, Kauffman, Robert J., and March, Salvatore T., Valuing Information Technology Infrastructures. Information Technology and Management 8 (Spring 2007):1-18.
Aggarwal, Nitin, Dai, Qizhi, and Walden, Eric A., Do Markets Prefer Standards War or Open Standards for XML Standard Setting: An Event Study Comparison of Two Standardization Theories. International Journal of Electronic Commerce 11 (Fall 2006):117-136.
Dai, Qizhi, and Kauffman, R, To Be or Not To B2B Evaluating Managerial choices for E-Procurement Channel Adoption. Information Technology and Management 7 (Apr 2006):109-130.
Dai, Qizhi, and Kauffman, R, Business Models for Internet-Based B2B Electronic Markets. International Journal of Electronic Commerce 6 (Summer 2002):41-72.
Dai, Qizhi, and Kauffman, R, B2B E-Commerce Revisited: Leading Perspectives on the Key Issues and Research Directions. Electronic Markets 12 (Spring 2002):67-83.
Dai, Qizhi, Is ‘Judo Strategy’ Enough. Electronic Markets 9 (Sep 1999):286-287.
Presented Research
Dai, Qizhi, The Implications of Innovation Tasks to Firm Value in Digital Ecosystems, Americas Conference on Information Systems: Panama City, Panama, (Aug 2023):
Gefen, David, Mossafer, Dodi, and Dai, Qizhi, On trust and psychological contract violation i…, NEDSI Annual Conference: Washington DC, DC, (Mar 2023):
Dai, Qizhi, Platform Thinking in Digital Product Development: The Case of Power BI, INFORMS Annual Conference: Anaheim, CA, (Oct 2021):
Dai, Qizhi, Chen, Xin, and Na, Chaohong, Effects of Shared Financial Services on Firm Performance, American Conference on Information Systems: Online, (Aug 2020):
Dai, Qizhi, Chen, Xin, and Na, Chaohong, Shared Financial Services, Corporate Governance and Audit Report Lag, American Conference on Information Systems: Online, (Aug 2020):
He, Li, Dai, Qizhi, and Zhang, Chen, Evolutionary Competition and Firm Survival in Platform Ecosystem, INFORMS: Philadelphia, PA, (Nov 2015):
Dai, Qizhi, The value of ERP investments in business groups, The 16th International Conference in Electronic Commerce: Philadelphia, PA, (Aug 2014):
Dai, Qizhi, Kauffman, Robert J., and Wang, Bin, The Value of IT-Enabled Business Process Standardization in the Presence of Market Volatility, The Eighth Workshop on eBusiness: Phoenix, AZ, (Dec 2009):
Dai, Qizhi, Anandarajan, Murugan, and Zaman, Maliha, Use Behavior of Computer-Mediated Communication and Positive Psychological Capital, 2006 Annual Meeting of Northeast Decision Science Institute: San Juan, Puerto Rico, (Mar 2006):
Dai, Qizhi, Investigating the Functionalities of B2B Markets, University of Minnesota Electronic Commerce Conference: Minneapolis, MN, (May 2003):
Dai, Qizhi, and Kauffman, Robert J., Understanding B2B E-Market Alliance Strategies, (Dec 2002):
Dai, Qizhi, Evaluating Firm Choice for E-Procurement Channels, University of Minnesota: Minneapolis, MN, (Sep 2002):
Dai, Qizhi, Understanding the Performance of Web-Based B2B Electronic Markets, First Big 10 IS Doctoral and Junior Faculty Research Symposium: Minneapolis, MN, (May 2002):
Dai, Qizhi, To Be Or Not To B2B? An Evaluative Model for E-Procurement Channel Adoption, University of Illinois: Urbana Champaign, IL, (Oct 2001):
Dai, Qizhi, and Kauffman, Robert J., Business Models for Internet-Based E-Procurement Systems and B2B Electronic Markets: An Exploratory Assessment, (Jan 2001):
Dai, Qizhi, and Kauffman, Robert J., To Be Or Not To B2B? An Evaluative Model for E-Procurement Channel Adoption, (Nov 2000):
Dai, Qizhi, Kauffman, Robert J., and March, Salvatore T., Analyzing Investments in Object-Oriented Middleware, (Dec 1999):
Dai, Qizhi, Zhang, Chen, Kettinger, William J., and Agrawal, Deepti, Impact of IT product compatibility initiatives on the market value of firms, European Conference on Information Systems Mar 2012.
2009 Best Paper Runner-Up Award (The Eighth Workshop on eBusiness)
2003-2003 Best doctoral research presentation award (7th Annual Conference on Electronic Commerce, University of Minnesota)
1999-1999 Best Paper Award (Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS))
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications – Associate Editor (2022–Present)
Information Technology and Management – Associate Editor (2022–Present)
Information Technology and Management – Associate Editor (2020)
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications – Associate Editor (2017–2020)
International Journal of Electronic Commerce – Member (2017)
Journal of Management Information Systems – Member (2017)