BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:f13156ca0e63179a6b2e953c7b46c1df DTSTAMP:20240716T140221Z SUMMARY:Business Data and Intelligence for Telecommunications: Comcast DESCRIPTION: \n\nThis Business Analytics Speaker Series event welcomes the Business\nData and Intelligence division at Comcast. Leaders Kirsten Amato \,\nDirector of Business Intelligence\; Marcus Mateer\, Business\nIntellig ence and Data Manager\; and Jeremy Streett\, Manager of Business\nData and Intelligence\, will discuss how analytics are used within the\norganizati on and Comcast’s approach to using data for decision\nmaking.\n\nA Q+A s ession will follow the presentation. Refreshments will be\navailable after the event.\n\n_About the Business Analytics Speaker Series_\n\n_LeBow’s Business Analytics Speaker Series is a thought leadership\nforum organize d by the Business Analytics Solutions Center. Leaders in\nthe industry sha re valuable insight on implementing and managing\nanalytics projects\, exp ertise on quantitative methods\, and advice for\nfuture analytics professi onals._\n\n_Aligned with LeBow’s strong focus on experiential learning\, the\nseries is an important complement to the curriculum of the Business\ nAnalytics programs. Events are open to the public\, and we invite\nstuden ts\, alumni\, and analytics professionals across the Philadelphia\nregion to attend with the goal of creating a community of learning._\n DTSTART:20180129T223000Z DTEND:20180130T000000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, Auditorium\, 3220 Market Street\, 031\, Phil adelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR