BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:5487c193f074c6affb7c13587a9fe242 DTSTAMP:20240716T145057Z SUMMARY:2018 Dragon Datathon DESCRIPTION: \n\nDrexel LeBow’s Business Analytics Solutions Center is pr oud to\npartner with SEI Investments Company to present the 2018 Dragon\nD atathon for graduate students.\n\nWHAT IS THE DRAGON DATATHON?\n\nDrexel L eBow’s Dragon Datathon is a high energy\, one-day event that\nbrings tog ether teams of graduate students to turn data into\nactionable insight. Du ring this event\, student teams work on analytics\nchallenges using open-s ource datasets.\n\nIn preparation for the datathon\, graduate students wil l form teams of\n5-7 individuals. For the duration of the event\, students have the\nopportunity to meticulously turn the business problem into a se ries of\nstatistical questions\, design a technical approach\, and use dat a\nanalysis and data technology skills to create solutions that solve the\ nproblem at hand.\n\nAt the conclusion of the event\, teams present their projects to a\npanel of industry and faculty judges\, outlining the data-d riven\ninsights for their business problem\, the scope of their analysis\, \ntechnical challenges\, overall solutions\, implementation plan\, and\nex pected impact.\n\nStudents use their own laptops and are given access to a computer lab\nwith software applications such as SAS\, R\, and Python. Dr . Chuanren\nLiu\, Assistant Professor\, Decision Sciences and MIS\, will s erve as the\nfaculty advisor overseeing the challenge.\n\nMeals and refres hments will be provided to participants.\n\nPARTICIPANT ELIGIBILITY\n\nTo be eligible to participate\, team members must be currently-enrolled\ngrad uate students proficient in core techniques for business\nanalytics\, such as data mining\, text mining\, machine learning\, and\nstatistical modeli ng.\n\nDATATHON CHALLENGE\n\nSEI receives hundreds of applications and inq uiries regarding its\nsummer internship program each year. The challenge i s to build a\nchatbot that will answer the most frequently asked questions during\nthe recruitment process for the summer internship program. The us er\nwill be able to inquire with the chatbot about topics such as how to\n apply to the program\, information regarding housing\, location and\ntrave l\, or how a typical day looks at SEI.\n\nGUIDELINES\n\n * Participants ma y use any programming language.\n * An Excel file with sample questions wi ll be provided\, as well as\nexpected answers that the chatbot will offer. \n * Participants need to enrich the data with sentences about\ngreetings and farewells.\n * The core of the chatbot is an engine that can classify user intent\nbased on questions the user provides. Participants should use machine\nlearning algorithms to build this engine.\n\nJUDGING CRITERIA\n\ nTeams will be judged based on the criteria below\, and deliverables\nwill be weighted accordingly.\n\n * 30% - Implementation of machine learning m odel\n * 40% - Accuracy and completeness of the engine\n * 20% - Quality o f data processing\n * 5% - Potential for further improvement\n * 5% - Fina l presentation of solution\n\nPRIZES\n\nStudents in the winning team will receive technology-related prizes\nfrom SEI and the opportunity to present to SEI leadership on-site at\nthe company\, along with a tour of the SEI campus and data center.\n\nREGISTRATION\n\nTo participate in the Datathon\ , all students must register by Friday\,\nFebruary 9 on the Drexel LeBow e vents calendar at\\n\nDRAFT OF EVENT TIMELINE\n\n Timeline is tentative and subject to change.\n\nFriday\, February 16\, 201 8 8:30 am: Team check-in\; breakfast available.\nAll team members must be present and checked in prior to the event\nkick-off at 9 am. Individuals n ot present for check-in will forfeit\ntheir ability to participate. 9:00 a m: Event begins\; data provided to\nteams 12:00 pm: Working lunch 6:00 pm: Team presentations and dinner\n DTSTART:20180216T140000Z DTEND:20180217T010000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 408\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR