BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:a3fbe0a45b14362394e58a9c7eb90735 DTSTAMP:20240727T121748Z SUMMARY:4th Annual Urban Economic Policy Conference: Topics in Education DESCRIPTION: \n\nREGISTRATION CLOSED. WE ARE AT CAPACITY FOR REGISTRATIONS. \n\nJoin Drexel University’s School of Economics and Econsult Solutions\ nInc. for a dynamic discussion about urban economic policy relating to\ned ucation.\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n12:00 P.M. REGISTRATION AND LUNCH\n\n12:30 P.M.\n \nKEYNOTE: INEQUALITY IN EDUCATION\n\nSUSAN M. DYNARSKI\, PHD\, Professor of Public Policy\, Education and\nEconomics\, University of Michigan\n\n2: 00 P.M.\n\nPANEL I: EDUCATION POLICY\, K - 12\n\nMODERATOR: STEPHEN P. MUL LIN\, President\, Econsult Solutions Inc.\n\nPANELISTS:\n\nSARAH A. CORDES \, Assistant Professor\, Policy\, Organizational\, &\nLeadership Studies\, Temple University\n\nLOREE D. JONES\, Chief of Staff\, Rutgers University -Camden\n\nLEROY D. NUNERY II\, EDD\, Founder and Principal\, PlusUltre LL C and\nSenior Advisor\, Econsult Solutions Inc.\n\n3:30 P.M.\n\nPANEL II: HIGHER EDUCATION AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE URBAN WORKFORCE\n\nMODERATOR: CH RISTOPHER LAINCZ\, PHD\, Director\, PhD Program and\nAssociate Professor\, Economics\, Drexel University’s LeBow College of\nBusiness\n\nPANELISTS :\n\nPAUL HARRINGTON\, PHD\, Professor\, Higher Education\, Drexel\nUniver sity’s School of Education\n\nDAVID A. PAUL\, EDD\, Managing Director\, Fiscal Strategies Group\, Inc.\n\nJUDITH GAY\, PHD\, Vice President for Ac ademic Affairs\, Community\nCollege of Philadelphia\n\n5:00 P.M. RECEPTION \n DTSTART:20180413T160000Z DTEND:20180413T210000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 220 "DiPiero Grand Meet ing Room"\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR