BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:173cccc1f41a6984a25e8dcbae41ef6e DTSTAMP:20240717T022612Z SUMMARY:Lunch\, Learn and Lead with Emily Waldorf\, VP\, Corporate Strategy \, Campbell's DESCRIPTION: \n\nJoin LeBow and our Corporate Partner Campbell’s for an i n-depth\nconversation over lunch on inclusion and “earning a seat at the \ntable”.\n\n_Lunch will be provided._\n\nSPONSORED BY LEBOW’S CORPORA TE PARTNER OF THE MONTH\n[ partnership-opportunities/corporate-partner-of-month]\nPROGRAM.\n\nGUEST S PEAKER: EMILY WALDORF\, VICE PRESIDENT\, CORPORATE STRATEGY\,\nCAMPBELL’ S\n\nEmily Waldorf was named Vice President-Corporate Strategy in 2014\, a nd\nshe was promoted to the Campbell Leadership Team in 2017. She reports\ nto Denise Morrison\, President and Chief Executive Officer.\n\nEmily help s set Campbell’s strategic direction and leads the\nstrategic planning p rocess. She measures strategic execution\,\nincluding maintaining the comp any’s balanced scorecard\, and she\nconducts competitive analyses. She a lso develops and maintains\ncomprehensive external development strategies. \n\nEmily joined Campbell in 2012 as Director-Corporate Development\,\nres ponsible for business development\, and merger and acquisition\nactivity\, primarily for Campbell’s North American businesses. She\nhelped lead th e company’s largest-ever acquisition\, Bolthouse Farms\,\nas well as the acquisition of Plum Organics and the sale of\nCampbell’s European busin ess.\n\nShe served as Vice President and Chief of Staff-Office of the CEO from\n2013 to 2014\, helping coordinate the CEO’s involvement in major\n company processes and initiatives\, and assisting in organizing the\nwork of the Campbell Leadership Team.\n\nShe previously held roles in mergers a nd acquisitions\, corporate\nstrategy\, and business development as Corpor ate Development Director\nat Discovery Communications and Director of Corp orate Development at\nAT&T Corp.\, and she served as a Special Advisor at the Federal Bureau\nof Investigation.\n\nEmily is a member of the Women of Campbell affinity network\, an active\nmentor\, a frequent volunteer thro ugh Campbell’s corporate social\nresponsibility program\, and a passiona te supporter of organizations\nincluding the United Way\, American Red Cro ss\, American Cancer Society\,\nand St. Jude’s Hospital for Children.\n\ nShe was also named to Treasury and Risk magazine’s “30 Under 40”\nl ist of outstanding corporate finance executives\, and the NJBIZ list\nof t he 2013 “Best 50 Women in Business.”\n\nShe earned her B.S. degree in finance from Pennsylvania State\nUniversity and her M.B.A. degree in strat egy and finance from Harvard\nBusiness School.\n DTSTART:20180410T160000Z DTEND:20180410T170000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 722\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR