BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:ee131b88efacf75ff366dc0177f9bb0d DTSTAMP:20240717T013757Z SUMMARY:Lunch\, Learn and Lead with Lynda Risser\, Chief Talent & Inclusion Officer\, Vanguard DESCRIPTION: \n\nJoin Drexel LeBow for an engaging discussion with Lynda Ri sser\, Chief\nTalent & Inclusion Officer\, Vanguard.\n\n_Lunch will be pro vided._\n\nSPONSORED BY LEBOW’S CORPORATE PARTNER OF THE MONTH PROGRAM\n [ /corporate-partner-of-month]\nAND DREXEL ALUMNI RELATIONS [http://drexel.e du/alumni/].\n\nLYNDA RISSER BIO:\n\nLynda Risser is a Principal in the Hu man Resources division at\nVanguard\, overseeing the Talent & Inclusion su bdivision. Comprised of\n150+ crew\, her organization provides deep subjec t matter expertise\nacross the employee lifecycle around: talent branding and marketing\,\ntalent acquisition\, performance management\, learning\, leadership and\ncareer development\, diversity and inclusion\, and success ion planning.\n  Prior to leading this sub-division\, Lynda held many pos itions at\nVanguard. More recently\, she was a Relationship Manager and HR \nBusiness Partner for several divisions\, where she provided\nconsultativ e and human resources solutions—driving a division’s\nfull human capit al business strategy. She also supported Leadership\nDevelopment and the R etail Investor Group by leading the hiring\nprocess and by designing and h eading talent assessment and\ndevelopment\, performance management\, and s uccession management\nstrategies.   Prior to working at Vanguard\, Lynda began her career in\nHR in the health care industry\, supporting staffing and strategic\nmanagement recruiting. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in B usiness and\nPsychology from Albright College\, a Master’s degree in Tra ining and\nOrganizational Development from St. Joseph’s University\, and the\nGlobal Professional in Human Resources (GPHR ®) Certification.\n DTSTART:20180418T160000Z DTEND:20180418T170000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 722\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR