BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:73b5c807122534e1bbaa0e61ee099413 DTSTAMP:20240716T093411Z SUMMARY:Panel Presentation: The Merging of QVC\, HSN and zulily DESCRIPTION: \n\nLeBow graduate students in business analytics\, supply cha in\, and the\nfull-time MBA cohort are invited to Studio Park to learn abo ut how the\nmerging of QVC\, HSN and zulily affects supply chain and analy tics. A\nVIP tour\, panel\, and networking reception are included.\n\nPane lists include:\n* Rob Sandora\, VP Operations Planning & Optimization \n* Ramki Sundaram\, Director\, Operations Analytics\, Insights &\nReporting \ n* Bryan Roller\, Supply Chain Manager (zulily) \n* Qifeng Wang\, Senior O perations Research Scientist (zulily) \n* Jose Roman\, Senior Business Ana lyst \n* Emily Aliquo\, Forecast Planner (Drexel LeBow MS SCML Alum 2018)\ nPlease note: registration is restricted to first-year students in\nLeBow graduate programs of MS Business Analytics\, MS Supply Chain\nManagement & Logistics\, and the first year full-time MBA cohort.\n\n DTSTART:20180509T180000Z DTEND:20180509T210000Z LOCATION:QVC-Studio Park\, 1200 Wilson Drive\, West Chester\, PA 19380 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR