BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:59060901f42395b5ee7ec3d276909de8 DTSTAMP:20240722T091508Z SUMMARY:Spring 2019 Directors Academy DESCRIPTION: \n\nNETWORKING AND REGISTRATION: 8:00-8:30am PROGRAM: 8:30am-5 :00pm\nNETWORKING RECEPTION AND CERTIFICATE PRESENTATION: 5:00-6:00pm\n\nN ew board members often face the challenge of moving from a hands-on\nexecu tive to a strategist mindset. Directors Academy is a one day\ncorporate go vernance focused program for new board members. This\nprogram provides an intensive and highly-focused interactive dialogue\nbetween participants an d leading executives\, corporate directors\,\npolicy makers\, legal and fi nancial services experts on critical issues\nfacing boards today. The smal l\, targeted environment affords peer to\npeer exchange and the opportunit y for participants to connect with\nsitting\, seasoned board members.\n\nD irectors Academy is held twice annually in the fall and spring. Upon\ncomp letion of two Directors Academy programs\, participants are awarded\na Cer tificate in Director Education and walk away with an\nunderstanding of the increasingly complex and ever-changing role of a\ncorporate board member prepared to contribute to discussions occurring\nin the boardroom.\n\nKEY BENEFITS:\n\n * Earn credits towards a Certificate in Director Education\n * Graduates of the program are listed on the Raj & Kamla Gupta\nGovernanc e Institute website to serve as a resource for board searches\n * Networki ng reception immediately following the program affords\nparticipants the o pportunity to speak with members of our Advisory\nBoard\, sitting board me mbers\, leading executives\, governance experts\,\nand past program partic ipants\n * Earn 6 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits\n * Aler t directors\, investors\, regulators\, and stakeholders to your\ncommitmen t to continued director education\, leading governance\npractices\, and bo ard leadership\n\nAGENDA\n\nThe demands on boards of directors are as sign ificant as they have\never been. Economic and political uncertainty\, thre ats of an economic\nslowdown\, changes in the regulatory climate and busin ess-model\ndisruptions are among the issues that directors need to conside r. Each\ncommittee of the board faces its significant challenges. Please j oin\nus as we discuss these and other topics through the lens of key board \ncommittees to understand how these issues impact their agendas\, and in\ nturn\, impact the full board.\n\nSESSION I - ON THE AUDIT COMMITTEE’S A GENDA\n\nThe Audit Committee is a vital subset of the board charged with a \nvariety of monitoring functions. However\, the audit committee’s\nprio rities have evolved dramatically since the demands of\nSarbanes-Oxley. We will take a fresh look at the audit committee’s\nagenda and workload as directors objectively analyze the myriad risks\nfacing business today.\n\n SESSION II – ON THE EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION COMMITTEE’S AGENDA\n\nInsti tutional investors\, regulators and the media have illuminated a\nspotligh t on just how critical a task determining executive\ncompensation has beco me. A thoughtful compensation plan is integral to\nsecuring and retaining talented leaders\, a step to ensure the\nlong-term success of a company. T his session will discuss how the\nexecutive compensation committee develop s compensation plans and\nprocesses and addresses the external factors inf luencing compensation\nstrategies.\n\nSESSION III – ON THE NOMINATING & GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE’S AGENDA\n\nThe alignment of boardroom talent with corporate strategy is the key\nfocus of the Nominating & Governance Commit tee’s agenda. Directors\nare being held accountable for a wide range of issues including\ndiversity\, succession planning\, independence\, tenure and board\nrefreshment by institutional investors\, activists\, activist\, proxy\nadvisors\, and others. This session will address how the committee \nstays focused on addressing the needs of the company while being in\nthe “line of fire” of various stakeholder agendas.\n\nSESSION IV – JOUR NEY TO THE BOARDROOM\n\nThe key to a successful transition into the boardr oom is understanding\nthe behavioral dynamic and culture of the board. Par ticipants will\nhave the opportunity to talk with current board members an d search\nexecutives about the successes and challenges of what it takes t o\nprepare for board service and transition from a hands-on executive to\n a strategic board member.\n DTSTART:20190515T120000Z DTEND:20190515T210000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 1237\, Philadelphia\, P A 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR