BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:0e8c2d9c95aa9b34cb05003e4f9c0684 DTSTAMP:20240716T171953Z SUMMARY:Sovereign Debt Distress\, Restructurings and Market Access: The Cas es of Ireland\, Portugal and Cyprus DESCRIPTION: \n\nJoin LeBow College of Business and the Global Interdepende nce Center\nfor a conference on emerging global issues.\n\nDuring the Euro debt crisis in 2010-2016\, Ireland\, Portugal\, and\nCyprus\, along with Greece\, were not able to cover all their financing\nneeds in financial ma rkets through medium- and long-term bond\nfinancing\, or at a sustainable cost\, for varying time periods.\nHowever\, economic adjustment programs\, which included measures to\nstrengthen their banking sectors\, and the cr eation of a Euro area\ncrisis-resolution framework (EFSF and ESM) helped t hese countries\nregain investor confidence and full market access. The con ference will\naddress the main causes and policy responses of Ireland\, Po rtugal\, and\nCyprus to their individual debt distress situations\, discus s various\nmarket\, legal\, and policy perspectives on each of these distr ess and\nrestructuring cases\, and give lessons for successfully overcomin g debt\ndistresses and regaining access to capital markets.\n\nSPEAKERS IN CLUDE:\n\n * Tamon Asonuma\, Economist\, IMF\n * Lee Buchheit\, Senior Par tner in the Sovereign Practice Group\,\nCleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton L LP\n * Elena Duggar\, Chair Macroeconomic Board\, Moody’s Investor\nServ ices\n * Aitor Erce\, Principal Economist\, ESM\n * Richard Francis\, Dire ctor\, Fitch Ratings\n * Hans Humes\, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer \, Greylock Capital\n * Thordur Jonasson\, Deputy Division Chief\, IMF\n * Steven Kargman\, President\, Kargman Associates\n * Rafael M. Molina\, Ma naging Partner\, Newstate Partners\n * Kristian Orsini\, Counselor\, Econo mic and Financial Affairs\, EU\nDelegation to USA\n * Michael G. Papaioann ou\, Expert Advisor\, International Monetary\nFund\n * Konstantinos Polyka rpou\, Consul\, Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus\n * George Tsetsekos\, P h.D.\, Dean Emeritus and the Francis Professor\nof Finance at LeBow’s Co llege of Business at Drexel University\n\nAGENDA\n\n8:30 a.m. | Registrati on and Coffee/Light Refreshments\n\n9:00 a.m. | Opening Remarks – Challe nges and Responses to Sovereign\nDebt Distress and Restructurings\n\n9:05 - 9:35 a.m. | Keynote Address\n\n9:35 - 10:40 a.m. | Session 1: The Euro D ebt Crisis: The Successful\nExperiences of Ireland\, Portugal\, and Cyprus _Topics:_ • Origins of\nthe European Sovereign Debt Crisis (ESDC) and i ts impact on the\nEurozone • Macroeconomic settings and specific challen ges for\nIreland\, Portugal\, and Cyprus • Policy reactions\, adjustment \nprograms\, and political perceptions in the three countries • Role of\ nEU/ECB and IMF in the three countries • Economic outcomes\, Market\nre- access\, return to normalcy • Global perspectives and implications\n\n10 :40 - 11:45 a.m. | Session 2: Market\, Legal and International Policy\nPer spectives on Ireland\, Portugal and Cyprus Sovereign Debt Distress\nand Re structurings _Topics:_ • Creditor perspectives\, loss of market\naccess\ , and preconditions for re-accessing • Legal challenges in\nsovereign de bt distress and restructurings – focusing on the cases\nof Ireland\, Por tugal\, and Cyprus\, what sovereigns and creditors should\nbe aware of? • The international financial institutions perspective\n– could change s in their policies contribute to a more efficient\nresolution of sovereig n debt distress and restructuring cases? What is\nmissing? • Credit Rati ng Agency perspectives\n\n11:45 - 11:55 a.m. | Break\n\n11:55 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. | Session 3: Lessons Learned and Prospects –\nThe Academic View _To pics:_ • Prevention versus resolution - can\nsovereigns\, creditors and IFIs do more to prevent debt distress\nsituations and restructurings? If y es\, what? Or\, are sovereign debt\ndistresses and restructurings inevitab le? • What are the lessons\nfrom the Irish\, Portuguese and Cypriot expe riences for policy\nadjustments and market interactions of countries that enter market\ndistress or undergo restructuring? • Are the prospects for sovereign\ndebt restructurings of advanced economies better than for EMs and\nlow-income countries? • Do implications of restructurings improve\n over time?\n\n1:00 p.m. | Concluding Remarks\n DTSTART:20190228T133000Z DTEND:20190228T180000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 220 "DiPiero Grand Meet ing Room"\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR