BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:f8f8fa8a548ddf56d7c423ad88129c71 DTSTAMP:20240722T182541Z SUMMARY:37th Annual Monetary and Trade Conference: Global Trade: Darkening Clouds or New Beginnings? DESCRIPTION: \n\nOn May 6\, 2019\, the Global Interdependence Center will h ost its Annual\nMonetary & Trade (AMT) Conference in partnership with the LeBow\nCollege of Business at Drexel University. 2019 will mark the year o f\nour 37th AMT Conference\, with a keynote address from Patrick Harker\,\ nPresident & CEO of the Federal Reserve bank of Philadelphia.\n\nThe confe rence explores global trade imbalance issues and offers a\nforum for discu ssion of the current status of trade relations among\nthe most significant world trade partners\, including the US\, China and\nthe European Union. In particular\, the conference will address\npertinent issues to trade of goods and services and focus on the\nInterconnections between trade flows and financial services.\n\n_Agenda_\n\n8:30 – 8:50 A.M. | REGISTRATION\n \n8:50 – 9:00 A.M. | WELCOME AND OPENING REMARKS\n\n * Paul Jensen\, Dea n of LeBow College of Business\, Drexel University\n * Michael Papaioannou \, TA Expert-Advisor\, International Monetary\nFund\n * George Tsetsekos\, Dean Emeritus and the Francis Professor of\nFinance at LeBow’s College of Business at Drexel University and GIC\nBoard Member\n\n9:00 – 10:00 A .M. | SESSION 1: GLOBAL TRADE IMBALANCES AND CURRENT\nCHALLENGES\n\n_Topic s_:\n\n * Origins of trade imbalances and effects of trade barriers (e.g.\ ,\ntariffs) on the trade balance and current account.\n * Implications of global trade imbalances for local and\ninternational macroeconomics and fi nancial stability (e.g.\, economic\ngrowth\, employment\, prices\, fiscal accounts\, exchange rate and capital\nmarket volatility).\n * Proposals to ameliorate global trade imbalances: efficacy and\nprospects of implementa tion.\n\n_Panel_:\n\n * Moderator: Michael Papaioannou. TA Expert-Advisor\ , International\nMonetary Fund\n * Apostolos Apostolou\, Economist\, Inter national Monetary Fund\n * Philip Kenworthy\, First Secretary\, British Em bassy Washington\n * Stephen Tokarick\, Lecturer\, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced\nInternational Studies\n\n10:00 – 10:30 A.M. | KEYNOTE ADDRESS : ECONOMIC OUTLOOK\n\n * Patrick Harker\, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of\nPhiladelphia\n\n10:30 – 10:45 A.M. | BREAK\n\n10:45 A. M. – 12:00 P.M. | SESSION 2: INTER-LINKAGES BETWEEN TRADE\,\nFINANCE AND INVESTMENTS\n\n_Topics_:\n\n * Trade relations\, challenges and current a nd pending agreements.\n * What are the main channels of inter-linkages? D o these\ninter-linkages increase domestic and international economic and\n financial volatility?\n * What should/can country authorities and internat ional financial\ninstitutions do?\n\n_Panel_:\n\n * Moderator: George Tset sekos\, Dean Emeritus and the Francis\nProfessor of Finance at LeBow’s C ollege of Business at Drexel\nUniversity and GIC Board Member\n * Andrew J . Patterson\, CFA\, Investment Analyst\, Vanguard Investment\nStrategy Gro up\n * Bill Stone\, Chief Investment Officer\, Avalon Advisors\, LLC\n * C atherine L. Mann\, Ph.D.\, Chief Economist\, Citi\n\n12:00 – 12:15 P.M. | BREAK\n\n12:15 – 1:15 P.M. | SESSION 3: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES I N\nGLOBAL TRADE FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES COMPANIES\n\n_Topics_:\n\n * The dy namics of current trade and financial relations among key\nglobal partners .\n * Challenges and trade sanctions for financial services firms.\n * The impact of sanctions on financial services firms.\n\n_Panel_:\n\n * Modera tor: Paul Thanos\, Director\, Office of Finance and Insurance\nIndustries\ , Industry & Analysis\, U.S. Department of Commerce\n * Christine Bliss\, President\, Coalition of Services Industries\n * Yancy Molnar\, Senior Vic e President\, Head of International\nGovernment Affairs & Public Policy\, Chubb\n * Kimberley Claman\, Director of International Government Affairs\ ,\nCiti\n * Christopher Melly\, Vice President\, Government Affairs\, AIG\ n\n1:15 – 1:30 P.M. | CONCLUDING REMARKS\n DTSTART:20190506T123000Z DTEND:20190506T163000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 220 (Grand Meeting Room )\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR