BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:6af05e9fe548e6f9cb331adba7fa0543 DTSTAMP:20250307T025644Z SUMMARY:Dr. Matthew Schneider\, Assistant Professor at Drexel University DESCRIPTION: \n\nTitle: The Effects of Data Protection on Forecasting Model s\n\nAbstract: Data protection regulations will have profound effects on\n the usability and quality of personal data worldwide. Consequently\,\nthe practice of forecasting will be negatively impacted due to\npotential alte rations in these data. To measure the severity of this\nproblem\, we quant ified reduction in forecast accuracy by fitting\nforecasting models using a variety of protected data. Results revealed\nthat it is possible to miti gate loss of forecast accuracy by using\ndata-driven protection methods th at do not rely solely on strict\nlegislative rules. We also show that vari ous forms of data protection\nsuch as Aggregation can mislead a forecaster with overconfidence in\nthe quality of their forecasts. Finally\, underst anding and\nappropriately measuring the privacy of time series data is key given\nthe operational requirements of forecasting. A k-nearest time seri es\nswapping approach maintains the structure of the time series and\nperf orms well when balancing data privacy with forecast accuracy.\n\nWith an e xtensive background in data protection and privacy\, Dr.\nSchneider will p resent his research on the effects on data protection\non forecasting mode ls. He will discuss upcoming data privacy\nlegislation and innovative solu tions for business to maintain the\nvalue of their analytics processes whi le protecting the privacy of\ntheir consumers. Joining this presentation w ill be Neha Khanna\, an MS\nBusiness Analytics student at Drexel Universit y who served as a\nresearch assistant on this project. Neha spent the summ er with\nCompassRed as an intern and data scientist. She will demonstrate how\nthe unique combination of academic research and work experience added \nvalue to her studies at Drexel University.\n DTSTART:20191004T173000Z DTEND:20191004T190000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 409\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR