BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:e5ee332d7bff4cc44d4abf866bdb318d DTSTAMP:20240716T063024Z SUMMARY:Amina Shahzad\, Market Supply Planner at Bristol-Myers Squibb DESCRIPTION: \n\nAmina Shahzad\, MBA\, is a Market Supply Planner for Brist ol-Myers\nSquibb. She serves as a single point of contact for management o f\nfinished goods supply for the US and PR markets. She will describe the\ ntools and processes she utilizes in order to:\n\n * Integrate & coordinat e supply strategies between the US/PR markets\nand internal/external suppl y sites\n * Create & execute finished goods supply plans for the US/PR mar kets\nand continually manage and operationally maintain orders as required \nto comply with agreed inventory SLA levels and lead times\n * Communicat e with key stakeholders to ensure continuity of supply\nand support contin uous improvement processes\n * Continually monitor and assess the MRP plan ning process in the BMS\nERP system to ensure demand propagation process r uns effectively\n * Support & lead as required by government tender supply \, direct\nimport programs and clinical supply requests in alignment with local\nmarket partners and demand planners\n * Ensure master data is maint ained\n * Evaluate\, mitigate and communicate any inventory or supply risk s\nthat impact market (via stock overviews\, heat maps\, obsolescence\,\na rtwork changes\, etc)\n * Ensure key supply chain performance metrics for US/PR markets are\nachieved\, providing analysis and commentary (Backorder s\, Anticipated\nBackorders\, PO Compliance\, Potential Write Off)\n\n DTSTART:20191011T143000Z DTEND:20191011T160000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 722\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR