BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1751ba0810afe5c3d9bf7887bf6ea338 DTSTAMP:20250307T032858Z SUMMARY:David Gefen\, PhD - LeBow College of Business\, Decision Sciences & MIS DESCRIPTION: \n\nAbstract\n\nAt the core of many models of technology adopt ion is the recognition\nthat new adopters are influenced by earlier ones. That recognition is\nat the core of the Bass model and is implied in the t heory base of\nmuch MIS research. This study adds to that theme how inform ation\naccess inequality among the early adopters changes the behavior of the\nsecond wave of users of a Health Information Exchange (HIE) in an\nem ergency room setting. Information access inequality measures\, as an\nadap ted Gini coefficient\, the relative number of participating\nclinicians ac ross medical sites. Specifically\, the monthly rate of\nthis user-base Gin i coefficient in the first wave implementation\nhospitals\, theoretically showing that a broader participation of\nprevious adopter clinicians acros s sites is more valuable\, directly\npredicted the adoption rate of how ma ny clinicians used the HIE in the\nsecond wave implementation hospitals th at month over and above the\nexpected month on month increase and the effe ct of more patients. And\,\nthis Gini coefficient indirectly\, through the number of adopters in\nboth implementation waves\, predicted how much inf ormation was accessed\nin the second wave implementation hospitals that mo nth. Implications\nare discussed also in the broader context of other type s of IT.\n\nKeywords: Health Information Exchange (HIE)\, Base Model\, Sec ond wave\nimplementation\, Gini Coefficient\, Information Access Inequalit y.\n\nFor more information on Dr. Gefen\, please click here\n[https://www.]\n DTSTART:20191004T143000Z DTEND:20191004T155000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 409\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR