BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:b8d6be3813dfba331bb7f3a0cb5e7b24 DTSTAMP:20240727T160252Z SUMMARY:Dr. Connie Weaver\, Texas A&M University DESCRIPTION: \n\nConnie Weaver is the KPMG Professor in Accounting at the M ays Business\nSchool at Texas A&M University and a certified public accoun tant. She\nholds a Ph.D. from Arizona State University\, a Masters of Prof essional\nAccounting from the University of Texas at Arlington\, and a Bac helors\nof Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Texas at \nAustin. Prior to obtaining her Ph.D.\, Professor Weaver was a tax\nmanag er at Ernst & Young in Dallas\, TX. Professor Weaver teaches\ngraduate tax ation in the PPA program at Texas A&M University.\nProfessor Weaver curren tly teaches a graduate corporate tax course and\nhas taught in the undergr aduate and PhD programs at Texas A&M\nUniversity. She is the co-author of a popular tax textbook\, Taxation\nof Individuals and Business Entities an d she has received numerous\nawards for teaching and research excellence i ncluding the Association\nof Former Students (AFS) Distinguished Achieveme nt Award in Teaching\naward at the university and college level\, the Davi d and Denise\nBaggett Teaching Award recognizing teaching innovation\, the American\nTaxation Association Teaching Innovations Award\, and the Ameri can\nTaxation Association Outstanding dissertation award. Professor\nWeave r’s research investigates the effects of income taxes on\nfinancing\, in vesting\, and financial reporting decisions. She has\npublished articles i n journals such as the Accounting Review\,\nContemporary Accounting Resear ch\, Journal of the American Taxation\nAssociation\, National Tax Journal\ , Accounting Horizons\, Journal of\nCorporate Finance\, Journal of Account ing Education\, and Tax Notes.\nProfessor Weaver serves as the senior edit or of the Journal of the\nAmerican Taxation Association and serves on the editorial board of\nContemporary Accounting Research.\n DTSTART:20200403T140000Z DTEND:20200403T153000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 722\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR