BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:ad1895514632771bb8b7efb7d3c2938a DTSTAMP:20240727T122546Z SUMMARY:Digital Marketing Foundations for Executives DESCRIPTION: \n\nFor businesses today\, it’s critical to understand the d igital\nlandscape and precisely how customers perceive and interact with t heir\nbrands. In an age where a simple tweet can start a wave of great or\ nbad publicity\, it’s important for companies to understand and\ncontrol their digital exposure to proactively design and develop\nholistic digita l strategies.\n\nIn this executive course\, through a combination of instr uction\,\nexploration of best practices and group projects\, participants will\nget a comprehensive overview of the digital landscape. Students will \nexplore key foundational concepts in social and digital media and\nexpan d on them to create dynamic social and digital media marketing\nstrategies while optimizing for efficiency and effectiveness.\n\nTENTATIVE AGENDA\n\ nUNIT 1: INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL MARKETING\n\nThe marketing landscape has changed drastically in the past decade.\nThis module will walk us through the evolution and changes to the way\nwe sell products. In addition\, we w ill explore the significant impact\nof those changes to the way companies do business today.\n\nUNIT 2: DIGITAL MARKETING TOOLS\n\nTechnological adv ancements have made it possible for startups and\nsmall companies to asymm etrically compete with much larger\norganizations. In this module we will have a robust discussion on best\npractice digital marketing tools and the ir effectiveness.\n\nUNIT 3: DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY\n\nWhile the avail ability of technology can be a game changer\, these\ntools are useless if they are not underpinned by robust and effective\nstrategic execution. In this module\, we discuss best practices for the\ndevelopment and execution of digital marketing plans.\n\nUNIT 4: DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY\n\nComp anies are continuing to find diverse new tools and platforms to\nuse for t heir digital marketing. As these tools advance\, identity\nmanagement and governance are becoming more important. The potential\nexposure companies face for getting this wrong could be devastating.\nIn this final module\, we discuss the impacts of both GDPR and CCPA on\norganizations and what it takes to remain compliant.\n DTSTART:20200401T120000Z DTEND:20200401T210000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, TBD\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR