BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:8b9285259f1042a56b59953ced83816d DTSTAMP:20240901T062901Z SUMMARY:Dr. Delina Agnosteva\, Penn State Univ. & Dr. Tom Zylkin\, Universi ty of Richmond DESCRIPTION: \n\nStudents\, faculty\, and staff are invited to attend a res earch seminar\nfeaturing the work of Dr. Delina Agnosteva and Dr. Tom Zylk in.\n\nDr. Agnosteva’s research focus is in international trade and\nind ustrial organization. Dr. Agnosteva has also released a recent\npublicatio n: INTRA-NATIONAL TRADE COSTS: ASSAYING REGIONAL FRICTIONS\n2019\, with Ja mes Anderson and Yoto Yotov\, _European Economic Review_\,\nvol. 112\, p. 32-50.\n\nDr. Zylkin’s research focuses on international trade\, interna tional\neconomics and quantitative methods. Dr. Zylkin will share insights \nfrom his recent publication: CURRENCY UNIONS AND TRADE: A PPML\nRE-ASSES SMENT WITH HIGH-DIMENSIONAL FIXED EFFECTS (w/ Mario Larch\,\nJoschka Wanne r\, and Yoto Yotov) _Oxford Bulletin of Economics and\nStatistics_\, 81(3) \, 487-510 (lead article)\, 2019.\n DTSTART:20200515T180000Z DTEND:20200515T200000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, TBA\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR