BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:36074182c72de0adfaa9c7078d256d74 DTSTAMP:20241115T061455Z SUMMARY:LeBow Takeover at Drexel Men’s and Women’s Basketball Games DESCRIPTION: \n\nJoin fellow LeBow alumni\, students\, faculty and staff to cheer on your\nDrexel Dragons in a basketball doubleheader. Celebrate the ’86\,\n’95 and ’96 past NCAA Tournament teams and enjoy appetizers\ , soft\ndrinks and a beer and wine bar in the Hazem Maragah Suite.\n\nEVEN ING SCHEDULE:\n\n5 p.m. Drexel WBB vs. Marist 7 p.m. Reception 7:45 p.m. B anner\nUnveiling and Celebration: ’21 CAA Championship and NCAA Tourname nt\nParticipation\; ’86\, ’95 and ’96 past NCAA Tournament teams 8\n p.m. Drexel MBB vs. Neumann\n\nBY REGISTERING\, DIGITAL TICKETS WILL BE SE NT VIA EMAIL PRIOR TO THE\nEVENT.\n\n_Seating is limited. Please only RSVP if you plan to attend._\n DTSTART:20211109T220000Z DTEND:20211110T023000Z LOCATION:Daskalakis Athletic Center\, 33rd and Market Streets\, Hazem Marag ah Suite\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR