BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4592b79e180a84a68fec852e30a6b8a2 DTSTAMP:20240716T060801Z SUMMARY:Nikos Kourentzes\, PhD\, University of Skövde\, Sweden DESCRIPTION: \n\nAbstract: The use of multiple temporal aggregation levels of a time\nseries has gained some momentum for improving forecast accuracy and\nidentifying the structure of a time series. In this talk\, we review \nthe main ideas behind its use. So far\, there are two main approaches\nt o do this\, the first using a forecast combination view\, namely the\nMult iple Temporal Aggregation Algorithm\; and the second using\nhierarchical f orecasting\, namely Temporal Hierarchies. While both have\ndemonstrated be nefits\, the latter is more flexible\, overcoming many of\nthe limitations of the former\, importantly allowing the use of\nforecasts from any sourc e. Yet\, in terms of forecast accuracy\, both\nremain competitive. We show that reconciling the two views leads to a\nmodified version of Temporal H ierarchies that substantially improves\nover the standard implementation. Furthermore\, we show that the\nstandard implementation violates helpful c onstraints established in\nthe forecast combination literature while impos ing unhelpful\nconstraints inherited from hierarchical forecasting. Based on the\nmodified Temporal Hierarchies\, we identify conditions that using\ ntemporal hierarchies is admissible to standard forecasts. Finally\, we\nc onnect the hierarchical structure to the organizations’ context and\nsho w how this impacts the evaluation of forecasts.\n DTSTART:20211122T170000Z DTEND:20211122T183000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 722\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR