BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:0f26f5145ad73a6506d1a4f2f8beb4fb DTSTAMP:20240716T103850Z SUMMARY:A Catalyst for the Cause: Fostering Greater Equity in Sport DESCRIPTION: \n\nDREXEL REGISTRATION: Free for current Drexel students\, fa culty\, and\nstaff\n\nDrexel University’s Department of Sport Business i nvites you to the\nfourth annual conference focused on fostering greater e quity in sport.\n\nThis one-day conference will focus on LGBTQ+ issues in sport and aims\nto create awareness of the communities\, networks and reso urces that\ncurrently exist for LGBTQ+ individuals nationally as well as i n the\ngreater Philadelphia region. This conference seeks to foster\nmeani ngful conversations and provide opportunities for education on\nthe issues that people who identify as LGBTQ+ face\, and how sport can\nbe a vehicle for creating positive change within these communities.\n\nThis event will encourage participants to engage in substantive\,\nactionable discussions with tangible takeaways that can lead to\ncreating greater equity in spor t. This year’s conference theme also\naligns with the LeBow College of B usiness’ Strategic plan\n[ es/legacy/1611846628-lebow-strategic-plan-1220.pdf]\nto advance a culture of diversity\, equity and inclusion (DEI) by\npromoting and sustaining a v ibrant and inclusive environment.\n\nThe keynote discussion will feature R yan O’Callaghan\, former NFL\nplayer\, author and founder of The Ryan O ’Callaghan Foundation.\n\nThis event is open to Drexel students\, facult y and staff\; industry\nprofessionals\; college students\; members of the media\; and the general\npublic.\n\nFULL PROGRAM SCHEDULE: 9:30am Registra tion opens 9:50am Opening\nremarks 10-10:50am Keynote with Ryan O’Callag han and Zeke Goldsmith\,\nPresident\, Drexel Sport Business Association 11 -11:50am Breakout\nsessions (attendees choose one of three options) Noon-1 2:30pm Closing\nremarks from Kate Scott [ scott/]\,\nSixers Play-By-Play Announcer 12:30-2pm Lunch and networking\n\ nBREAKOUT SESSION OPTIONS SESSION 1: LGBTQ Inclusion in College\nAthletics : Understanding the current landscape and the path forward\nFeaturing: SAR AH CAHN\, Haverford College lacrosse player MARY\nMULVENNA\, Senior Associ ate AD/Chief of Staff\, Drexel University\nCAVENDER SALVADORI\, Head Cross Country Coach and Assistant Track &\nField Coach\, Temple University CLAI RE TOOMEY\, Vice President of Drexel\nEsports\n\nSESSION 2: Striving for E quality: The LGBTQ experience in sport\nFeaturing: DAWN ENNIS\, Columnist and Contributor\, ERIN\nMORRIS\, Associate Professor of Sport M anagement\, SUNY Cortland THEO\nRABINOWITZ\, Freelance Sports Television O perations and Talent\nCoordinator\n\nSESSION 3: Answering the Call: Highli ghting resources for Philadelphia\nresidents\, and what allies can do to p romote inclusivity Featuring:\nCONNOR BARWIN\, Founder of Make the World B etter and former NFL\nlinebacker ERIK LARSON\, Deputy Director of LGBT Aff airs\, City of\nPhiladelphia\n DTSTART:20220414T133000Z DTEND:20220414T180000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, DiPiero Grand Meeting Room and Rose Terrace\ , 3220 Market Street\, 220 and 221\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR