BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:bf498fb41bcfacf4de49eaf2204f709a DTSTAMP:20240727T140306Z SUMMARY:LeBow Launch DESCRIPTION: \n\nPLEASE NOTE THAT LEBOW LAUNCH DOES NOT OFFER ANY CREDITS F OR\nPARTICIPATION. DEADLINE FOR SIGN UP IS JULY 28\, 2022.\n\nCOME TO DREX EL EARLY AND JUMP-START YOUR FALL TERM IN THIS EARLY\nARRIVAL LEADERSHIP P ROGRAM.\n\n_LeBow Launch is set to occur on campus at this time. However\, if the\nprogram has to be canceled due to the challenges brought on by th e\nCOVID-19 pandemic\, a full refund will be issued._\n\nPROGRAM DESCRIPTI ON\n\nLEBOW LAUNCH is a two-day introductory leadership program designed t o\nprovide incoming LeBow College of Business first-year students with a\n head start on college by allowing them to explore key business\nconcepts a nd sharpen leadership skills that will prepare them to\ntackle the coursew ork ahead.\n\nSkills essential to success in business include strong leade rship and\nanalytical skills combined with the ability to communicate\neff ectively. Students will participate in professional development and\nteam- building activities\, all while building community and exploring\ntheir ne w home away from home.\n\nThere is a $250 charge to cover meals\, program materials and\nexperiences. Students who have room assignments for the fal l term will\nmove into the residence halls Thursday\, Sept. 8\, between 8 –11 a.m.\nThere is no additional charge for early move-in.\n\n_NOTE: If you plan to live on campus and participate in this course\,\nyou must move in during this time._\n\nREGISTER TODAY! Your Drexel account (example: ab is\nneeded to complete this registration. Your Drexel com puter account is\nused to gain access to all of the functions of the Compu ter Accounts\nManagement Service. You will need this for access to coursew ork and to\ncommunicate with faculty. Please be sure that you have picked up your\naccount. _New to Drexel?_ Pick up your accounts first\n[https://a].\n\nDON’T DELAY — SPACE IS LIMITED ! PAYMENT IS DUE UPON REGISTRATION.\nREGISTRATION IS CONFIRMED ONCE COURSE PAYMENT IS RECEIVED.\n\nPROGRAM AGENDA\n\nTHURSDAY\, SEPT. 8\n\n * 8–11 a.m.: Move into residence halls\n * 12–1 p.m.: Kickoff luncheon\n * 1 –1:30 p.m.: LeBow 101: Tips and Tricks for Student Success\n(presented b y the Dean’s Student Advisory Board at LeBow)\n * 2–5 p.m.: Team-build ing activity\n * 5 p.m.: Dinner and night activity\n\nFRIDAY\, SEPT. 9\n\n * 9–11 a.m.: Public Speaking and Presentation Skills\n * 11–11:30 a.m .: Student Success Team Spotlight\n * 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.: Lunch and pr ogram conclusion\n\n DTSTART:20220908T120000Z DTEND:20220909T180000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR