BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4d45993d7b72064d308d1ee22a69e471 DTSTAMP:20240727T164259Z SUMMARY:John Grigsby\, PhD\, Princeton University DESCRIPTION: \n\nSelected publications from Assistant Professor John Grigsb y\, PhD:\n\nAGGREGATE NOMINAL WAGE ADJUSTMENTS: NEW EVIDENCE FROM ADMINIST RATIVE\nPAYROLL DATA with Erik Hurst and Ahu Yildirmaz. NBER Working Paper \n#25628\, Conditionally Accepted at the _American Economic Review_\n\nTHE U.S. LABOR MARKET DURING THE BEGINNING OF THE PANDEMIC RECESSION\nwith To maz Cajner\, Leland D. Crane\, Ryan A. Decker\, Adrian\nHamins-Puertolas\, Erik Hurst\, Christopher Kurz\, and Ahu Yildirmaz\,\n_Brookings Papers on Economic Activity_ (2020)\n\nIMMIGRATION AND THE RISE OF AMERICAN INGENUI TY with Ufuk Akcigit\, and\nTom Nicholas. _American Economic Review: Paper s and Proceedings_\n(2017). 107(5): 327–331\n DTSTART:20221007T180000Z DTEND:20221007T193000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 722\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR