BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:aa801e49189969c5d5d9e4441446f62f DTSTAMP:20240901T012515Z SUMMARY:40th Annual Monetary and Trade Conference and Global Citizen Award Ceremony DESCRIPTION: \n\nThe 2015 Paris Agreement was the first major global initia tive to deal\nwith climate-related issues. Since then\, various efforts ha ve aimed at\ndeveloping a comprehensive climate policy that is based on re levant\ndata\, disclosures and approaches\, including those of the G20\nSu stainable Finance Working Group and the G20 classification\nprinciples to align investments to sustainability objectives. Despite\nthese efforts\, t he climate policy agenda still appears fuzzy\, and the\nconsequences of cl imate events on countries\, businesses and financial\nportfolios are ever- distressing. This conference intends to shed some\nlight on outstanding cl imate-related issues and main international\ninitiatives and policies rela ting to climate change and its\nimplications\, as well as take stock of co rporate and financial market\ndevelopments relating to ESG and green finan ce and explore suitable\nsustainability proposals going forward.\n\nWe inv ite you to join GIC and LeBow on Tuesday\, Nov. 15\, 2022\, to\ncelebrate 40 years of our Annual Monetary and Trade Conference! This\nyear’s event will explore climate-related issues and include the\ndedication of our Gl obal Citizen Award to GIC board member and\ncontinued chair of the AMT\, G eorge Tsetsekos\, Francis Professor of\nFinance and dean emeritus of Drexe l’s LeBow College of Business.\nJoining us as a keynote speaker will be Patrick Harker\, the president\nand CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Phi ladelphia.\n\nSession topics will include:\n\n * The Impact of Climate Ris k on Food Production and Prices\n * Role of Tech in Incentivizing Emission s Reductions\n * The Macroeconomic Consequences of Climate Change\n\nIf yo u are unable to stay for the entire conference you are welcome to\njoin us for any individual sessions you would like.\n\nAGENDA:\n\n8:00 – 8:30 A M | Registration & Coffee\n\n8:30 – 9:00 AM | Welcoming Remarks and Pres entation of Global\nCitizen Award • Vibhas Madan\, Ph.D.\, Dean and R. J ohn Chapel Jr.\nDean’s Chair and Professor of Economics\, LeBow College of Business\nat Drexel University and GIC Board Member (TBD) • Bill Kenn edy\, GIC\nBoard Chair and CEO\, RiskBridge Advisors\, LLC • George Tset sekos\,\nFrancis Professor of Finance and Dean Emeritus at LeBow College o f\nBusiness at Drexel University and Board Member\, Global Interdependence \nCenter\n\n9:00 – 9:50 AM | Keynote with Audience Q&A • Patrick Harke r\,\nPresident and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia •\nMo derator: George Tsetsekos\, Francis Professor of Finance and Dean\nEmeritu s at LeBow College of Business at Drexel University and GIC\nBoard Member\ n\n9:50 – 10:00 AM | Break\n\n10:00 – 11:00 AM | SESSION I: _The Clima te Change Debate_ • Jordan\nHowell\, Ph.D.\, Associate Professor of Sust ainable Business\, Rowan\nUniversity - “ESG as if the environment matter ed” • Stuart\nMackintosh\, Ph.D.\, Executive Director\, Group of Thirt y - “Climate\nresponse: how fast can you accelerate change?” • Sean Heberling\,\nPresident\, Marion Street Capital and GIC Board Member - “T he Role of\nTech in Incentivizing Emissions Reductions” • Moderator: G eorge\nTsetsekos\, Francis Professor of Finance and Dean Emeritus at LeBow \nCollege of Business at Drexel University and Board Member\, Global\nInte rdependence Center\n\n11:00 AM – 12:00 PM | SESSION II: _Climate Change and Capital\nMarkets_ • Mark Hays\, Director of Sustainable & Impact Inv esting\,\nManaging Director\, Glenmede - “Portfolio Construction with\nc limate-related investments” • Michael Cosack\, Principal\,\nImpactWise - “Standards and Classification of EFG funds” •\nGabriel Thoumi\, C hief Executive Officer\, Responsible Alpha - “A\nmodel for climate chang e” • Klaus Oppermann\, Senior Economist\, The\nWorld Bank - “Capital markets risk mitigation for carbon related\nproducts: the international e xperience” • Moderator: George\nTsetsekos\, Francis Professor of Finan ce and Dean Emeritus at LeBow\nCollege of Business at Drexel University an d Board Member\, Global\nInterdependence Center\n\n12:00 – 12:15 PM | Br eak\n\n12:15 – 1:25 PM | SESSION III: _Climate Change and the Economy_ •\nJohn Newton\, Chief Economist at U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture \,\nNutrition & Forestry. - “Climate Risk\, Food Production\, and Market \nPrices” • Mark Zandi\, Chief Economist\, Moody’s Analytics. -\n“ The Macroeconomic Consequences of Climate Change” • Moderator:\nGeorge Tsetsekos\, Francis Professor of Finance and Dean Emeritus at\nLeBow Coll ege of Business at Drexel University and Board Member\,\nGlobal Interdepen dence Center\n\n1:25 – 1:30 PM | Concluding Remarks • George Tsetsekos \, Francis\nProfessor of Finance and Dean Emeritus at LeBow College of Bus iness at\nDrexel University and GIC Board Member\n\n1:30 PM – 2:30PM | L unch\n DTSTART:20221115T140000Z DTEND:20221115T180000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, DiPiero Grand Meeting Room and Rose Terrace\ , 3220 Market Street\, 220\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR