BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:744d0f4df4e7be3f8929169c8a15a13e DTSTAMP:20240727T163244Z SUMMARY:Consulting Discussion with Derreck Robinson '93 DESCRIPTION: \n\nJoin us for an afternoon discussion on consulting with LeB ow alumnus\nDerreck Robinson ’93\, managing director\, national sales le ader\,\nDeloitte. Take this opportunity to learn more about his passion fo r\nhis career and his drive to make the consulting industry a more\ninclus ive workplace.\n\nDERRECK ROBINSON ’93\, MANAGING DIRECTOR\, NATIONAL SA LES LEADER\,\nBIOGRAPHY \nDuring my 28+ year career\, I have focused on le adership\, culture\ncreation\, sales excellence\, cultivation of high perf orming teams\,\nexceptional client relationships\, the art of negotiation and\ndelivering results\, with an unwavering commitment to community and\n unrelenting focus on diversity\, equity and inclusion. A core strength\nis being able to anticipate trends in the market and being first to\ninnovat e on behalf of our clients as a result.\n\nI currently serve as the nation al sales leader for Deloitte\nConsulting’s Core Business Operations (CBO ) Offering Portfolio\,\nfocused on sales and go-to-market for Cloud Engine ering inclusive of\nthe hyper-scaler solutions (AWS\, MFST Azure and GCP). This portfolio\nrepresents one of the most strategic market offerings acr oss the firm\nand for our clients. I also serve as managing director\, nat ional sales\nleader for ServiceNow firm-wide (all lines of business).\n\nT he CBO/Cloud Engineering sales organization delivers about $500\nmillion i n direct and indirect sales across this $3 billion+\necosystem. Deloitte i s currently ranked no. 1 for Public Cloud IT\nTransformation Services (Gar tner). The ServiceNow sales organization\ndelivers about $100 million in d irect sales across a $500 million\necosystem. Deloitte is currently the no . 1 strategic partner for\nServiceNow.\n\nMy passion is fueled through ser vant leadership and championing\ndiversity\, equity and inclusion. I am th e executive sponsor for the\nConnections Mentorship Program focused on the development\, retention\nand advancement of the firm’s Black profession als. I serve as\nexecutive sponsor for the Deloitte Chicago Office Black a nd Allies\nCommunity\, as well as an executive member of the Chicago/Midwe st\nInclusion Counsel embodying a culture of inclusion for all\nprofession als.\n\nMy experience has led to board positions\, including a board presi dent\nrole for a nonprofit entity focused on impacting the lives of people \nadversely affected by poverty — turning the possible into the\nprobabl e. Further\, I serve on the board of my alma mater\, Drexel\nUniversity’ s LeBow College of Business\, working to open the doors of\neducation and opportunity to the next generation of leaders.\n\nHonored to be named Chic ago United’s Business Leaders of Color 2021\,\nas well as _Crain’s_ No table 2021 Black Leaders and Executives.\n DTSTART:20221116T200000Z DTEND:20221116T210000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 409\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR