BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:60e05f4a35ddf67fd7eb86409303d8bb DTSTAMP:20240716T052843Z SUMMARY:Raj & Kamla Gupta Governance Institute: Directors Academy Certifica te Program DESCRIPTION: \n\nDIRECTORS ACADEMY FALL 2023\n\nDirectors Academy’s board room setting provides a small and targeted\nenvironment to foster interact ive dialogue between participants and\nleading executives\, corporate dire ctors and governance experts.\nDirectors Academy provides participants an understanding of the\nincreasingly complex and ever-changing role of a cor porate board\nmember prepared to contribute to discussions occurring in th e\nboardroom.\n\nUpon completion of this two-day program\, graduates are a warded a\nCertificate in Director Education. With over 40 graduates\, Dire ctors\nAcademy supports graduates’ journeys to the boardroom. Alumni\nre ceive special access to resources such as current thought\nleadership\, fu ture Directors Academy program resources and priority\ninvitations to key Gupta Governance Institute programs. The Institute\nalso hosts alumni boar d biographies on its website\, which serves as a\nresource for Nominating and Governance Committees and executive search\nfirms who are seeking new board candidates.\n\nKEY BENEFITS:\n\n * Earn credits toward a Certificate in Director Education\, alerting\nother corporate directors\, investors\, regulators and stakeholders to\nyour commitment to continued director edu cation\, leading governance\npractices and board leadership.\n * Earn twel ve Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits per\nprogram.\n * Gain a board biography on the Gupta Governance Institute’s\nwebsite upon comp letion of the program.\n\nDAY 1: TUESDAY\, OCTOBER 24\, 2023\n\n_8 – 8:3 0 a.m. Breakfast and networking_\n\n8:30 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. SESSION I: TH E BIG PICTURE In this session\,\nexperts will cover the Board’s purpose\ , operating model\, and\ncommittees therein\, including the Audit\, Compen sation\, Nominating and\nGovernance\, and Ad Hoc Committees. We will then cover director\nfiduciary duties and responsibilities toward shareholders and\nstakeholders.\n\n_12:15 – 1:15 p.m. Lunch_\n\n1:15 – 5 P.M. SESSI ON II: BOARD OVERSIGHT In Session II we will\nexpand upon the topics learn ed in Session I to cover corporate\nstrategy\, plus risk\, crisis\, and ta lent management. Performance\noversight and regulatory affairs will be dis cussed\, including\nfinancial oversight\, defining\, and measuring perform ance\, Mergers &\nAcquisitions\, and Ethics & Compliance.\n\n_5 – 7 p.m. Reception_\n\nDAY 2: WEDNESDAY\, OCTOBER 25\, 2023\n\n_8 – 8:30 a.m. Br eakfast and networking_\n\n8:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. SESSION III: THE EXPAN DED OVERSIGHT OF THE\nBOARD The role of the corporate director has never b een as complex as\nit is today. Topics previously considered to exist sole ly in corporate\nmanagement’s purview are now considered to be areas of oversight for\nthe Board of Directors\, including cybersecurity\, disclosu res and\nreporting\, data privacy\, and diversity\, equity\, and inclusion . We will\nthen expand into the realm of environmental\, social\, and gove rnance\nmatters\, which have been elevated to levels of extreme value and\ nimportance in today’s corporations.\n\n_12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Lunch_\n\n1 :30 – 4 P.M.: SESSION IV: JOURNEY TO THE BOARDROOM In Session IV we\nwil l hear from acting corporate directors regarding boardroom culture\,\nposi tioning yourself for a board role\, and presenting yourself as a\ndirector \, including resources to create and improve upon your board\nbio and resu me.\n\n_4 – 5 p.m. Presentation of certificates and wrap-up_\n DTSTART:20231024T120000Z DTEND:20231025T210000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 12th floor conference r oom\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR