BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:14f50babfd2ade7e5c83767d39b054f5 DTSTAMP:20250307T023129Z SUMMARY:Impact of Care Virtualization on Health Care Utilization: The Case of Telehealth Use DESCRIPTION: \n\nABSTRACT\n\nTechnological advancements and the COVID-19 pa ndemic have catapulted\nprocess virtualization in many sectors\, wherein t elehealth provides a\nnotable example of digital transformation in health care. Although\ntelehealth has been touted as a facilitator to improve acc ess to care\nand address runaway costs\, it can increase health care spend ing if\ntelehealth visits represent new forms of resource utilization. Dra wing\non the lens of Process Virtualization Theory\, we study the impact o f\ntelehealth on health care utilization by examining visit-level patient\ ndata on the use of telehealth in facilitating e-visits with health\ncare providers. Our analysis indicates a 13.6 percent reduction (or\n0.15 visit ) in the number of outpatient visits\, equating to $239 in\ntotal cost red uction within 30 days after a telehealth visit. Our\nresults suggest that benefits of telehealth use are observed primarily\namong diseases with hig h virtualization potential. Specifically\,\nmental health\, skin disorders \, metabolic and musculoskeletal diseases\npatients exhibit a significant reduction of 0.21 outpatient visits per\nquarter (an equivalent cost reduc tion of $179) when they are treated\nvia telehealth\, suggesting a substit ution effect with respect to\ntraditional clinic visits. We also observe e mpirical evidence for the\nrepresentation and monitoring capabilities of t elehealth in\nsignificantly reducing future health care resource utilizati on. Our\nresearch identifies boundary conditions that determine the nuance d\nimpact of telehealth on care utilization\, and shows that the\neffectiv eness of telehealth depends on the process virtualizability of\ndisease ty pes. Our findings have important practical and theoretical\nimplications f or fostering telehealth use in a value-based health care\nenvironment.\n\n Keywords: Telehealth\, process virtualization theory\, disease types\,\nou tpatient\, visit\, cost\, value-based care\n DTSTART:20221118T170000Z DTEND:20221118T180000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR