BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:bc719d28acd26459b8bd770e99269065 DTSTAMP:20240727T132723Z SUMMARY:MBA/MS Virtual Recruiter Networking Mixer DESCRIPTION: \n\nDrexel LeBow MBA and MS students are invited to our annual Graduate\nCareer Services Recruiter Networking Mixer to engage with recru iters\nlooking to hire for internships and full-time positions. Employer\n representatives will include recruiters\, hiring managers and\nexecutives. \n\nTHE EVENT WILL BE HELD VIRTUALLY USING THE HANDSHAKE JOB PLATFORM.\n\n STUDENTS: This is an excellent networking opportunity to meet with\nrecrui ters and hiring managers and cultivate corporate contacts\nregarding inter nship and full-time opportunities. REGISTRATION WILL\nOPEN IN EARLY FEBRUA RY 2023 ON HANDSHAKE.\n\nEMPLOYERS: Registration will open in early Januar y 2023.\n DTSTART:20230223T200000Z DTEND:20230223T230000Z LOCATION: w?token=aaD75Hg0x6R-4BxVCpM5S9DZ8aC1lrzNSN3c106vDjFVyABngVDOxg END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR