BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:53898e9de84fa21e453af5528d745d0b DTSTAMP:20240718T083014Z SUMMARY:A Catalyst for the Cause: Fostering Greater Equity in Sport DESCRIPTION: \n\nDrexel’s Department of Sport Business is proud to introd uce The Big\nBusiness of Women’s Sports. This year’s conference aims t o\nsolidify the value proposition of investing in women’s sports while\n still recognizing the obstacles that exist. Current trends\, changing\ncon sumer habits and future growth opportunities will be discussed.\nThis them e aligns with the LeBow College of Business’ strategic plan\nto advance a culture of diversity\, equity and inclusion (DEI) by\npromoting and sust aining a vibrant and inclusive environment.\n\nCONFERENCE SCHEDULE\n\n9:30 A.M. DOORS OPEN\, COFFEE AND TEA ARE AVAILABLE\n\n10–11 A.M. SUPPORTING FEMALE STUDENT ATHLETES IN THE NIL ERA\n\n *\nMAISHA KELLY\, Director of Athletics\, Drexel University\n\n *\nRACHEL KUPERINSKY\, Associate Athleti c Director\, Compliance\, University\nof Pennsylvania\n\n *\nKATIE LEGRAND \, Associate Athletic Director\, Compliance\, Villanova\nUniversity\n\n11 –11:15 A.M. BREAK\n\n11:15 A.M.–12:15 P.M. INVESTING IN WOMEN’S SPOR TS: IT’S A GOOD\nBUSINESS DECISION\n\n *\nLINDSEY DARVIN\, Professor of Sport Management\, Syracuse University\n\n *\nKRISTEN DOZIER\, Strategy an d Ops\, League One Volleyball\n\n *\nKELSEY TRAINOR\, Vice President\, Bus iness Legal Affairs\, Gaming\nSociety\; Founder\, Invest in Women\n\n12:15 –1:15 P.M. LUNCH AND NETWORKING FAIR\n\nFeatured Companies:\n\nPhiladelp hia Sports Digest\n\nPWRFWD\n\nPhiladelphia Youth Sports Collaborative\n\n 1:15–2:15 P.M. REAL TALK ON THE STATE OF WOMEN’S SPORTS\n\n *\nBRENDA ELSEY\, Professor\, Hofstra University\; co-host\, Burn It All Down\npodca st\n\n *\nLINDSAY GIBBS\, Journalist and co-host\, Burn It All Down podcas t\n\nSPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: PLEASE CLICK HERE\n[https://alumni.drexel. edu/s/1683/form/16/form.aspx?sid=1683&gid=2&pgid=4437&content_id=4268]\nTO LEARN MORE.\n\nINTERESTED IN SUPPORTING DREXEL’S DEPARTMENT OF SPORT BU SINESS BUT\nCAN’T ATTEND THE CONFERENCE? CLICK HERE\n[https://secureia.d 248.340&appealcode=WEBUNITGEN&sort=1&bledit=1]\nTO MAKE A GIFT.\n DTSTART:20230419T133000Z DTEND:20230419T181500Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, DiPiero Grand Meeting Room and Rose Terrace\ , 3220 Market Street\, 220\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR