BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:b4ecca72bbbca2af070ae69d9ae3279f DTSTAMP:20240727T140132Z SUMMARY:Datathon for Graduate Students featuring Under Armour DESCRIPTION: \n\nDATATHON OVERVIEW\n\nDrexel LeBow’s annual datathon is a n analytics competition that\ntasks teams of graduate students with levera ging data to solve a\nbusiness challenge for an organization. During this one-day event\,\nteams of graduate students turn a business problem into a series of\nstatistical questions\, design a technical approach\, and use data\nanalysis and technology skills to develop solutions. Students will\n interact with the organization throughout the day\, showcasing their\nskil ls and approaches.\n\nAt the conclusion of the datathon\, teams will prese nt their insights\nto a panel of judges comprising Under Armour profession als and Drexel\nLeBow faculty\, sharing data-driven insights related to th e business\nproblem\, the scope of their analyses\, technical challenges a nd overall\nsolutions.\n\nStudents use their own laptops and are provided access to a computer\nlab with software applications such as SAS\, R and P ython. Murugan\nAnandarajan\, PhD\, professor of decision sciences and MIS \, will serve\nas the faculty advisor overseeing the challenge.\n\nPARTICI PANT ELIGIBILITY\n\nTo be eligible to participate\, team members must be c urrently enrolled\ngraduate students interested or proficient in core tech niques for\nbusiness analytics\, such as data and statistical modeling. St udents\nare invited to form teams of 5-7 members and should email their te am\nroster to Zac Sheaffer at The Center for Business\nA nalytics will form teams for any students who would like to\nparticipate a nd are in need team members.\n\nDATATHON CHALLENGE\n\nSummary and specific s of the datathon challenge are forthcoming.\n DTSTART:20230203T133000Z DTEND:20230203T220000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 208\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR