BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:0b49fd2ed6019dfa5d1b67c1df6ec5e7 DTSTAMP:20240727T160654Z SUMMARY:Executive MBA On-the-Spot Decision Day DESCRIPTION: \n\nIn a world that demands change\, the future doesn’t star t tomorrow\n— it’s here now. Today’s leaders need to be and do more than\never before\, and our newly enhanced\, hybrid Executive MBA program will\nprepare you to transform your organization and your community. Get\n started this fall through our efficient admissions process: You can\nmeet with us on our On-the-Spot Decision Day to receive a same-day\nadmissions decision and scholarship assessment.\n\nDecision Days are a unique opportu nity to meet with our admissions\nadvisers and learn everything you need t o take your next career step.\nWe are available to meet at a time that wor ks best for you and your\nschedule. If you prefer an evening meeting\, ple ase contact Mark\nDierkes\, director of recruitment for executive programs \, at\ to make a request.\n\nLearn more about:\n\n * Our refined part-time\, 16-month curriculum that can be completed\nover the sp an of three years.\n * Our innovative blended delivery format\, balancing virtual meetings\nwith some in-person sessions and an international reside ncy.\n * Our cohort model and networking opportunities with executive\nstu dents\, alumni and Drexel corporate partners.\n * Our interdisciplinary cu rriculum that provides of-the-moment\ninsights and specializes in business strategy\, leadership\, finance\,\ninnovation management and more.\n * Ou r themed terms\, such as Global Impact and Managing the Value\nChain\, tha t enhance connections among the program’s integrated\ncontent across dis ciplines.\n * Executive coaching to help maximize your earning potential.\ n\nBy the end of our discussion\, you will have your admissions decision\n and scholarship assessment for this fall. Here is how to prepare for\nyour meeting:\n\n * Bring a current résumé\n * Have a copy of your undergrad uate college transcript or grade\nreport\, including a bachelor’s degree conferred and dated\n * Standardized tests scores are NOT required\n\nAs a thank you for your time and interest\, your application fee will\nbe wai ved.\n\nTransform your career with a Drexel Executive MBA. Register for an \nappointment today!\n DTSTART:20230203T140000Z DTEND:20230203T220000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 414\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR