BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:68a5ab3bf76af84a42e1defa77732317 DTSTAMP:20240901T012618Z SUMMARY:LeBow100: A View From the Top\, with Rebecca Campbell\, The Walt Di sney Company DESCRIPTION: \n\nJoin us to celebrate 100 years of business education at Dr exel.\n\nWe are proud to welcome Rebecca Campbell\, chairman\, internation al\ncontent and operations\, The Walt Disney Company\, for LeBow’s A Vie w\nFrom the Top series\, which will also be the closing keynote\npresentat ion during the 14th annual Executive Summit\n[/event/2023/05/19/14th-annua l-executive-summit-brandu-culture-innovation-and-you].*\nDean Vibhas Madan \, PhD\, will interview Campbell in a fireside\nchat-style conversation.\n \nFollowing A View From the Top\, we will host a reception outside in the\ nKorman Quad to toast the first 100 years of business at Drexel and\nkick off the future at LeBow.\n\n * A View From the Top: 3–4 p.m.\n * Recepti on in the Quad: 4–5 p.m.\n\n_You are welcome to register and attend just the A View From the Top\nevent or the reception if you are unable to atte nd both._\n\n*The Executive Summit is a full-day\, continuing education co nference\nsponsored by the Executive MBA Alumni Association held annually at\nDrexel University. The theme for this year’s 14th annual Executive\n Summit is BrandU: Culture\, Innovation and You\, designed for business\nan d personal transformation\, staying ahead of changing business\nmodels\, a nd keeping your business and personal skills sharp and\nrelevant. Speakers who will be headlining the event include nationally\nknown thought leader s that will speak on topics of change\, culture and\ninnovation.\n DTSTART:20230519T190000Z DTEND:20230519T210000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, Room 031 and Korman Qua d\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR