BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:e227aad0d2b6bf9e06b3a90da9621d7f DTSTAMP:20250115T064123Z SUMMARY:Drexel LeBow Analytics 50 Awards Ceremony DESCRIPTION: \n\nEVENT AND RECOGNITION\n\nThe Center for Business Analytics at Drexel University’s LeBow\nCollege of Business invites you to join u s in celebrating the honorees\nof the 2023 Drexel LeBow Analytics 50 award s. Now in its fifth\niteration\, the Drexel LeBow Analytics 50 initiative recognizes\nanalytics distinction while connecting academia and industry.\ n\nThe evening will convene analytics leaders from across the nation\,\nfo stering new connections among professionals and industries\, sharing\nbest practices within the field and honoring 50 organizations for\ningenuity\, business impact and their powerful examples of what the use\nof data make s possible.\n\nWe encourage all honored organizations to attend\, and we l ook forward\nto amplifying your contributions to the analytics field.\n\nT remendous thanks to this year’s sponsors: Precisely\n[https://precisely. com]\, Travelers []\, Prometric\n[https://prometric.c om] and iO Associates [].\n\nSCHEDULE\n\nJoin us f or a celebration featuring a cocktail hour and networking\, a\nplated dinn er\, awards ceremony\, and numerous photo opportunities to\nshare and high light your organization’s achievements. Registration\nalso includes an i nvitation to a pre-ceremony VIP session for\nhonorees.\n\nEXCLUSIVE VIP PR E-CEREMONY GATHERING AND ANALYTICAL LEADERSHIP SESSION\nFOR 2023 HONOREES\ , GENEROUSLY PRESENTED BY PRECISELY.\n\n_The Study at University City (adj acent to the LeBow College of\nBusiness): 20 S. 33rd St. Philadelphia\, PA 19104_\n\n * 2:30-3:15 p.m.: Interaction and networking with analytics le aders\nand Drexel LeBow faculty and students\n * 3:15-4:30 p.m.: Data-Driv en Decision-Making for Analytical\nLeaders: Leveraging Awareness\, Influen ce\, and Collaboration: an\ninteractive session for honorees\, facilitated by Jonathan C. Ziegert\,\nPhD\, Professor of Management at Drexel Univers ity’s LeBow College of\nBusiness.\n\nDINNER AND AWARDS CEREMONY\n\n_Drex el University’s LeBow College of Business: 3220 Market St.\nPhiladelphia \, PA 19104_\n\n * 5–6 p.m.: Cocktail hour\n * 6–8 p.m.: Dinner\, keyn ote address\, awards ceremony\n\nSPONSORSHIP AND IMPACT\n\nProceeds from t he event make this biennial recognition possible and\nenable the Center fo r Business Analytics to deliver experiences that\nprepare students to beco me future analytics leaders. For information\nabout opportunities to spons or the recognition and awards ceremony\,\nplease contact Diana Jones at di We are\nincredibly grateful for your support for a nd impact on our business\nanalytics students and programs.\n DTSTART:20231005T210000Z DTEND:20231006T000000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, DiPiero Grand Meeting Room and Rose Terrace\ , 3220 Market Street\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR