BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:55b340628200bb9a542c60304dfd97db DTSTAMP:20240727T132350Z SUMMARY:All About the LeBow Graduate Application and Applicant Q&A Session DESCRIPTION: \n\nCalling all applicants for Drexel LeBow's MBA and speciali zed MS\nprograms!\n\nJoin us for a virtual discussion with the LeBow Gradu ate Admissions\nteam to learn more about how to put together your stronges t\napplication for the fall 2023 term. We will provide you with an\novervi ew of the full application process and what you'll need to\napply\, as wel l as highlight what's important to include in your\nrésumé and your essa y\, who should write your letter of\nrecommendation\, and what our faculty reviewers are looking for in\napplicants. Additionally\, we'll talk throu gh our GMAT/GRE waiver\nprocess in detail. Prospective students and applic ants will have the\nopportunity to ask questions at the end of the present ation.\n\nParticipants will receive the Zoom link upon registration.\n DTSTART:20230713T160000Z DTEND:20230713T170000Z LOCATION: -C295320757E4 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR