BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:d45b8bdc594bfec41e41c7e0ef2666ca DTSTAMP:20240716T061646Z SUMMARY:Souren Paul\, PhD\, Northern Kentucky University DESCRIPTION: \n\nPAPER: “AUGMENTED INTELLIGENCE: HUMAN FACTORS IN AI AND FUTURE OF\nWORK”\n\nABSTRACT\n\nArtificial Intelligence (AI)\, which peo ple originally modeled after\nhuman intelligence\, has made significant ad vances in recent years. The\navailability of parallel and distributed proc essing at a reasonable\ncost and the diversity of data sources have contri buted to newer\ndevelopments in AI. These advances in AI have caused many to fear that\nmachines will surpass human intelligence and dominate humans . The\ndevelopments in the AI computing environment have not always been\n concomitant with changes in the social\, legal\, and political\nenvironmen t. A paradigm that is gaining attention in recent years is\nthat of Intell igence Augmentation (IA)\, which has the potential to\nturn the tension be tween the two intelligence types (human and\nmachine) into a symbiotic one . In this paradigm\, the intricacies of\nhuman-machine interaction form th e foundation of Augmented\nIntelligence. The recent focus of Augment Intel ligence is on\nHuman-in-the-Loop (HITL) hybrid-augmented intelligence\, wh ich is an\nintelligent model in which a human is always part of the system and\nconsequently influences the outcome in such a way that the human giv es\nfurther judgment if a low confidence result is provided by a machine.\ nThere have been advancements in cognitive computing based\nhybrid-augment ed intelligence which refers to new software and/or\nhardware that mimics the function of the human brain and improves\ncomputers’ capabilities of perception\, reasoning\, and\ndecision-making. While these systems presen t opportunities to\nindividuals and organizations to harness the power of augmented\nintelligence\, there are risks and challenges in Human-in-the-L oop\nhybrid- augmented intelligence systems\, such as the introduction of\ nbias from Human-AI interaction. Intelligent systems\, such as\ndeep-learn ing algorithms\, are changing the ways in which knowledge is\ncreated and shared in organizations. When considering deploying AI\,\nthe context of d eployment and end goal of augmentation for that\nspecific context are both significant factors that professionals\,\norganizations\, and society sho uld take into account.. In this\nresearch\, we attempt to highlight some i mportant socio-technical\naspects that are associated with recent developm ents in Augmented\nIntelligence systems.\n\nThe recent developments in Aug mented Intelligence have also initiated\ndebates on the future of work. Do es Augmented Intelligence help\nemployers and workers achieve improvements in the future of work at\nthe individual level\, team level\, and organiz ational level? There is\nan agreement that jobs requiring innovative and c reative skills would\nbe affected the least\, or put in other words\, are “safest” from\nbeing replaced by machines. However\, with the recent d evelopments of\nAI content generators\, such as ChatGPT\, this proposition is\nchallenged. AI can earn patents. News articles written by AI are now\ npublished. What are the implications of these developments for the\nfutur e of work? What is the future of work/expertise with AI and robot\ncollabo rators from the perspective of “Service in the AI Era”? Is\nthere any profession “safe” from AI? These are some of the\nquestions on the fut ure of work that are gaining attention with recent\nadvancements in Augmen ted Intelligence.\n DTSTART:20230428T150000Z DTEND:20230428T163000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR