BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:bc1dd2f9a1f413bda4dcc26657cfb40b DTSTAMP:20240716T083314Z SUMMARY:Margaret Luciano\, PhD\, Penn State DESCRIPTION: \n\nLuciano M. M.\, “3 Strategies for Managing an Understaff ed Team.”\n_Harvard Business Review_\, 2022\, pp. 1–5\,\ 05/3-strategies-for-managing-an-understaffed-team\n\nMathieu J. E.\, Wolfs on M. A.\, Park S.\, Luciano M. M.\, Bedwell-Torres\nW. L.\, Ramsay P. S.\ , Klock E. A.\, Tannenbaum S. I.\, “Indexing\nDynamic Collective Constru cts Using Computer-Aided Text Analysis:\nConstruct Validity Evidence and I llustrations Featuring Team\nProcesses.” _Journal of Applied Psychology_ \, vol. 107\, no. 4\, 2022\,\npp. 533–559\, tract/scopus_id/85116033605\n\nDent B.\, Luciano M.\, “Ten minutes with Bob Dent\, Chief Nursing\nOfficer\, Emory Health System\, Georgia\, USA. ” _BMJ Leader_\, vol. 6\,\n2022\, pp. 70–72\,\ t/abstract/scopus_id/85098944498\n DTSTART:20230512T143000Z DTEND:20230512T155000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 722 \, Philadelphia\, P A 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR