BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:77dd888ec876107e7d52778434ec0a64 DTSTAMP:20240727T163155Z SUMMARY:LeBow Life Sciences Leadership (LSL) Learning Pathway DESCRIPTION: \n\nLeBow has created a set of graduate courses designed to ac celerate\nstudents’ career growth in the rapidly expanding life sciences \nbusinesses. The course pathway comprises three courses that can be\ntake n in any order but work in concert to prepare students for life\nsciences success. The three courses in the pathway are:\n\n * Business Drivers for Life Sciences\n * Life Sciences Data and Analytics\n * Life Sciences Digit al Transformation\n\nLeBow Life Sciences Leadership (LSL) students will ga in a deep\nunderstanding of the life sciences sector\, including its uniqu e\ndynamics\, regulatory environment and emerging trends. They will become \nfamiliar with drug development processes\, clinical trials\,\nintellectu al property rights and health care policies. This knowledge\nwill enable s tudents to navigate the industry’s intricacies and\nidentify opportuniti es for innovation. LeBow faculty will partner with\nleading industry exper ts to deliver course experiences that are\ncurrent with the dynamic and hi gh-growth life science industries. The\ncourses will be offered starting i n winter 2024.\n DTSTART:20231102T160000Z DTEND:20231102T165000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR