BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3607b3076f416d3e3b3e338db140d80e DTSTAMP:20240901T005053Z SUMMARY:Raj & Kamla Gupta Governance Institute\, Drexel University 2024 Aca demic Conference Call For Papers DESCRIPTION: \n\nFRIDAY\, DEC. 15\, 2023\, IS THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT A PAPE R TO THIS\nANNUAL\, INVITATION-ONLY CONFERENCE. The conference will be hos ted by\nthe Raj & Kamla Governance Institute at Drexel University in\ncoll aboration with the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI).\nThe co nference will highlight the profound research by top professors\naround th e world on issues related to corporate governance and the\nboardroom.\n\n2 024 ACADEMIC CONFERENCE\n\nAPRIL 12\, 2024\n\nThe Raj & Kamla Gupta Govern ance Institute invites you to join us for\nour 17th Annual Corporate Gover nance Conference. We invite you to\nsubmit papers in any area related to c orporate governance\, which\nincludes (but is not restricted to) topics su ch as boards of\ndirectors\, compensation\, shareholder activism\, mergers \, debt as a form\nof governance\, ESG-related issues\, political influenc es on governance\,\netc.\n\nAt this point\, we are hoping to hold the conf erence in person. The\nconference will take place on Friday\, April 12\, w ith a pre-conference\ndinner the preceding Thursday evening. Paper accepta nce notices will\ngo out in early February.\n\nSUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS\n\n * To be eligible for submission\, the paper must still be at a\nrevisable stage (i.e.\, neither published nor so close to publication\nthat signifi cant changes are not feasible) by the date of the\nconference.\n * When up loading your paper\, please note that your paper MUST be\nsaved with the f ollowing file name: All Authors’ Last Names_Paper\nTitle.pdf. Submitting Author’s name should be first and in all caps\nwith the shortened title of the paper following after an underscore.\nFor example: WALKLING-Schlin gemann-Stulz_Corporate Focusing and\nInternal Capital Markets.pdf.\n * The cost to submit a paper is $75.\n * Once you sign up for the event\, you w ill recieve an email\nconfirmation with the link to submit your paper.\n * If you are submitting more than one paper\, please either (1) have\na co- author submit the second paper or (2) zip the multiple papers\ninto a sing le file. For those choosing the second option\, please note\nthat the subm ission fee is $75 per paper. If you are submitting more\nthan one paper\, please choose the number of guests equal to the number\nof extra papers yo u want to submit.\n * If you need assistance\, please contact Mirela Hima\ , assistant\ndirector\, Raj & Kamla Gupta Governance Institute at mh3229@d\n\nOne Paper Submission Fee: $75.00 \nTwo Paper Submission Fee: $150.00 \nThree Paper Submission Fee: $225.00\n\nPROGRAM COMMITTEE: David Becher (Drexel)\; Jay Cai (Drexel)\; Jeffrey\nColes (Utah)\; Naveen Danie l (Drexel)\; Diane Del Guercio (Oregon)\;\nDavid Denis (Pittsburgh)\; Dani el Dorn (Drexel)\; Eli Fich (Drexel)\;\nLaura Field (Delaware)\; Nick Gant chev (Warwick)\; Todd Gormley (WASHU)\;\nTom Griffin (Villanova)\; Jarrad Harford (Washington)\; Peter Iliev\n(Penn State)\; Wei Jiang (Emory)\; Dal ida Kadyrzhanova (Federal Reserve\nBoard)\; Joseph Kalmenovitz (Rochester) \; Jonathan Karpoff (Washington)\;\nTanja Kirmse (Miami OH)\; Michelle Low ry (Drexel)\; Nadya Malenko\n(Boston College)\; Lalitha Naveen (Temple)\; Ed Nelling (Drexel)\; Greg\nNini (Drexel)\; Micah Officer (Loyola Marymoun t)\; Gordon Phillips\n(Dartmouth)\; Anil Shivdasani (UNC)\; Anh Tran (City London)\; PAOLO\nVOLPIN (DREXEL) [LEAD]\; Michael S. Weisbach (OSU)\; Jar ed Wilson\n(Indiana)\; Tracie Woidtke (Tennessee)\; Yuhai Xuan (California Irvine)\;\nKe Yang (Lehigh)\; David L. Yermack (NYU).\n DTSTART:20231002T130000Z DTEND:20231216T045900Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR