BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:710fd2a18796d2207167bbd0b4b54b3b DTSTAMP:20240727T132313Z SUMMARY:Virtual Graduate Admissions Instant Decision Day: Part-Time MBA and MS in Sport Business Applicants DESCRIPTION: \n\nInterested in earning your MBA or MS in Sport Business?\n\ nThere is still time to start your success story this spring\, and\nwe’v e made it easier for you to apply. You can meet with us\nvirtually on Inst ant Decision Day and receive an instant admissions\ndecision.\n\nDecision Days are unique opportunities to meet with admissions staff\,\nhave your a pplication reviewed and learn everything you need to get\nstarted. We are available to meet at any time that works best for you\nand your busy sched ule.\n\nLEARN MORE ABOUT:\n\n * GMAT/GRE waivers\n * Scholarship opportuni ties for qualified students\n * The customized MBA curriculum that is buil t to help you reach your\ncareer goals\n * Other specialization options (e .g.\, MS degrees\, graduate minors\,\nconcentrations\, etc.)\n\nTO PARTICI PATE IN INSTANT DECISION DAY\, APPLICANTS MUST HAVE COMPLETED\nTHE FOLLOWI NG STEPS:\n\n * Complete the online application — ALL ONLINE APPLICATION S MUST\nBE SUBMITTED BY JAN. 31 \n * Your application fee will be waived w hen you attend a Decision\nDay\; you do not need to pay the fee to submit your application\n * To get the instant decision\, you will need to email the following\ndocuments to (or upload into you r online\napplication):\n\n * Unofficial transcripts for all previous inst itutions attended\n * Current résumé\n * Unofficial GMAT/GRE scores if a vailable\n * Essay\n\nIF YOU REGISTER\, YOU WILL RECEIVE A ZOOM LINK CLOSE R TO THE START OF\nTHE EVENT WITH YOUR SELECTED TIME.\n\nTHIS EVENT IS FOR PART-TIME MBA\, ONLINE MBA AND MS IN SPORTS BUSINESS\nAPPLICANTS ONLY. FO R ALL OTHER PROGRAMS\, PLEASE VIEW OUR UPCOMING\nEVENTS [/admissions/gradu ate-admissions/upcoming-events].\n DTSTART:20240205T140000Z DTEND:20240205T220000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR