BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:803c153ec960d9586e123ed1ae35de0c DTSTAMP:20240727T154950Z SUMMARY:Navigating Transformation: A Conversation With Mike Lawrie\, MBA ’77 DESCRIPTION: \n\nJoin Dean and R. John Chapel Jr. Dean’s Chair Vibhas Mad an as he\nwelcomes Drexel Trustee Mike Lawrie\, MBA ’77\, founder and CE O of The\nLawrie Group (TLG) and former chairman\, president and CEO of DX C\nTechnology. Lawrie\, a globally recognized business and technology\nlea der\, strategist and change-agent\, helped launch the Lawrie Advanced\nGlo bal Leadership Program in 2018 providing Drexel LeBow MBA students\nwith t he knowledge and tools to assume leadership positions as early\nas possibl e in their careers.\n\nAttendees will learn how TLG helps companies that h ave been disrupted\nby technology to reposition and resume growth and prof itability. TLG\nfocuses on operating turnaround investment opportunities i n high\nquality IT and tech-related businesses with large market opportuni ties\nand proven business models to accelerate growth. Most recently\, TLG \nacquired Electriq Power\, a clean energy company.\n\nGain insight on the critical success factors for merging and\nintegrating large companies\, a s well as how these companies can drive\nout inefficiencies and create val ue.\n\n5 - 5:30 P.M. Registration and Networking\n5:30 - 6:15 P.M. Firesid e Chat\n6:15 - 7 P.M. Networking Reception\n DTSTART:20231206T220000Z DTEND:20231207T000000Z LOCATION:The Study at University City \, 20 S 33rd Street\, 2nd Floor Banqu et Room\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR