BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:e4212442850c0864142353308a5e88aa DTSTAMP:20240901T020812Z SUMMARY:All About the LeBow Graduate Application and Q&A Virtual Session DESCRIPTION: \n\nCalling all applicants for Drexel LeBow’s MBA and specia lized MS\nprograms!\n\nJoin us for a virtual discussion with the admission s team to learn\nmore about how to assemble your strongest graduate applic ation for our\nupcoming admissions terms. We’ll discuss the different ap plication\nrequirements\, including important highlights for your résumé and\nyour essay\, who should write your letter of recommendation\, and wh at\nour faculty reviewers are looking for in applicants. We will also\nrev iew available start terms and associated deadlines.\n\n_Participants will receive the Zoom link upon registration._\n DTSTART:20240110T140000Z DTEND:20240110T150000Z LOCATION: -BE0F67A45A0B END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR