BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:ed158a22a91956bc332485f8c833271f DTSTAMP:20240727T132256Z SUMMARY:LeBow Admissions MBA Virtual Drop-In Hour (EVENING) DESCRIPTION: \n\nWhether you’re about to start your application\, you’v e just\nsubmitted it or you’ve been accepted\, we invite you to drop in to\nour virtual event to speak with the Drexel LeBow Graduate Student\nSer vices Enrollment team!\n\nLearn more about:\n\n* Applying to graduate scho ol\n* GMAT/GRE options\n* Scholarship opportunities for qualified candidat es\n* The customizable MBA curriculum\, including our Accelerated\nFull-Ti me MBA\n* Our extensive portfolio of specialized MS business programs\n* O ther specialization options\, including graduate minors\,\nconcentrations and more\n* Experiential learning opportunities\, such as internships\,\nc onsulting projects\, international residencies and more\n* Career support through resources and programming\, such as career\ncounseling\, professio nal development and job-search coaching\n\nTHIS EVENT IS FOR THE MBA PROGR AM ONLY. APPLICANTS INTERESTED IN AN MS\nPROGRAM SHOULD REFER TO OUR EVENT PAGE FOR THE MS PROGRAMS VIRTUAL\nDROP-IN HOUR. APPLICANTS INTERESTED IN DISCUSSING LEBOW PHD PROGRAMS\nSHOULD CONTACT LEBOWPHD@DREXEL.EDU FOR DIRE CT ASSISTANCE.\n\nAfter you register\, you’ll receive an event confirmat ion email with\na Zoom link to attend.\n\n_DISCLAIMER: THIS IS A DROP-IN G ROUP Q&A SESSION\; THERE WILL BE NO\nFORMAL PRESENTATION. PLEASE COME PREP ARED WITH YOUR QUESTIONS FOR THE\nENROLLMENT TEAM!_\n DTSTART:20240207T220000Z DTEND:20240207T230000Z LOCATION: -B68342F78387 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR