BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:9197cd2849ae11f8ed9a53337f82bbab DTSTAMP:20240727T183722Z SUMMARY:LeBow Launch DESCRIPTION: \n\nREGISTRATION FOR LEBOW LAUNCH HAS NOW CLOSED FOR STUDENTS WHO ARE\nLIVING _ON-CAMPUS_ DURING THEIR FIRST-YEAR. IF YOU ARE A COMMUTER \nSTUDENT AND INTERESTED IN JOINING LEBOW LAUNCH\, PLEASE REACH OUT TO\nCH RISTIAN MAXEY AT CJM455@DREXEL.EDU TO REGISTER.\n\nLeBow Launch is a two-d ay introductory leadership program designed to\nprovide incoming LeBow Col lege of Business first-year students with a\nhead start on college by allo wing them to explore key business\nconcepts and sharpen leadership skills that will prepare them to\ntackle the coursework ahead.\n\nSkills essentia l to success in business include strong leadership and\nanalytical skills combined with the ability to communicate\neffectively. Students will parti cipate in professional development and\nteam-building activities\, all whi le building community and exploring\ntheir new home away from home.\n\nThe re is a $325 charge to cover meals\, program materials and\nexperiences. S tudents who have room assignments for the fall term will\nmove into the re sidence halls Thursday\, Sept. 13\, between 8 and 11\na.m. There is no add itional charge for early move-in.\n\nNOTE: If you plan to live on campus a nd participate in this course\,\nyou must move in during this time.\n\nReg ister today! Your Drexel account (example: is\nneeded t o complete this registration. Your Drexel computer account is\nused to gai n access to all of the functions of the Computer Accounts\nManagement Serv ice. You will need this for access to coursework and to\ncommunicate with faculty. Please be sure that you have picked up your\naccount. New to Drex el? Pick up your accounts first.\n\nDon’t delay — space is limited! RE GISTRATION CLOSES JULY 21\, 2024.\nPayment is due upon registration. Regis tration is confirmed once\ncourse payment is received.\n\nEXAMPLE PROGRAM AGENDA (SUBJECT TO CHANGE):\n\nTHURSDAY\, SEPT. 12\n\n * 8–11 a.m.: Move into residence halls\n * 11 a.m.–12 p.m.: Kickoff luncheon\n * 12–2 p .m.: Open air bus tour of Philadelphia\n * 2–4 p.m.: Professional develo pment class (taught by clinical\nprofessors of the LeBow College of Busine ss)\n * 4–5:30 p.m.: Free time\n * 5:30–9 p.m.: Dinner and night activ ity\n\nFRIDAY\, SEPT. 13\n\n * 9–10 a.m.: Breakfast\n * 10-11a.m.: Stude nt Success team panel\n * 11 a.m.–12 p.m.: Campus tour\n * 12–1 p.m.: Lunch\n * 1–2 p.m.: Dean’s Student Advisory Board presentation\n * 2 –3 p.m.: Closing ceremony\n * 3–5 p.m.: Optional afternoon activity\n\ n_Once enrolled and provided your official move-in date/time\, no\nrefunds will be provided\, and move-in dates cannot be altered._\n DTSTART:20240912T120000Z DTEND:20240913T200000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR