BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:9e831c9f14c3629f6919a88320fa117e DTSTAMP:20240727T161558Z SUMMARY:Third Annual LeBow Inclusive Impact Day: Hiring and Retaining Neuro divergent Employees DESCRIPTION: \n\nJoin Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business for t he third\nannual Inclusive Impact Day\, _Hiring and Retaining Neurodiverge nt\nEmployees_\, with the support of Donald Braun ’84 of Bernstein\nPriv ate Wealth Management.\n\nOvercoming stigma\, promoting acceptance and awa reness\, and\nestablishing suitable infrastructure are essential in mitiga ting the\nexclusion faced by our neurodivergent colleagues. Drexel LeBow i s\ndeeply committed to supporting neurodivergent individuals and creating\ nopportunities to excel in the workforce. This year\, Inclusive Impact\nDa y is an opportunity for both neurodivergent and neurotypical\nstudents\, f aculty\, staff\, alumni\, employers and families to come\ntogether to lear n how to best prepare and support our neurodivergent\ncoworkers in the wor kforce and to share best practices and success\nstories.\n\nThe event will feature a keynote by Ernie Dianastasis\, founder and CEO\nof The Precisio nists\, Inc. (TPI) and Mike Innocenzo\, executive vice\npresident and chie f operating officer of Exelon\, at lunch.\n\nEVENT SCHEDULE\n\n9–9:30 a. m. Breakfast\n9:30–10: 30 am. Welcome and panel discussion moderated by Donald\nBraun ’84\, national managing director\, Bernstein Wealth Manage ment\nPanelists:\n\n * Kristen Betts\, EdD\, clinical professor\, School o f Education\,\nDrexel\n * Jacob Gadd\, data steward\, Salesforce\n * Sophi a Gordon\, student\, Drexel\n * Ava Gurba\, senior research associate\, A. J. Drexel Autism\nInstitute\, Drexel\n * Matthew Lerner\, PhD\, associate professor and life course outcomes\nprogram leader\, A.J. Drexel Autism In stitute\, Drexel\n * Peg Monaghan\, associate director for neurodiversity\ , Center for\nAutism and Neurodiversity\, Drexel\n * Megan Weyler ’96\, ’02\, SVP and chief human resources officer\,\nDrexel\n\n10:35–11:15 a .m. Workshop 1 — Creating a positive and accepting\nworkforce for neurod iverse and neurotypical employees\n11:20–11:55 a.m. Workshop 2 — Strat egies for preparing\nneurodiverse individuals and their families for the w orkforce\n12–1 p.m. Lunch — Keynote talk in directors’ dialogue styl e with\nErnie Dianastasis\, founder and CEO of The Precisionists Inc.\, an d Mike\nInnocenzo\, executive vice president and COO of Exelon\; moderated by\nDonald Braun ’84\n1–2:30 p.m. Case Competition\n[https://www.lebo]\,\nsuppor ted by Donald Braun ’84\n3–4:30 p.m. Wine and Cheese Reception\, Annou ncement of Case\nCompetition Winners\n\n_The entire day of programming\, i ncluding meals and the reception\, is\nfree thanks to the largesse of Dona ld Braun ’84 of Bernstein Private\nWealth Management._\n DTSTART:20240501T130000Z DTEND:20240501T210000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 220\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR