BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:aeec689a21c9a3506c2c1b285ba94b27 DTSTAMP:20240901T051835Z SUMMARY:Virtual Employer Spotlight: The Pennsylvania Department of the Audi tor General DESCRIPTION: \n\nEMPLOYER INFORMATION\n\nThe Pennsylvania Department of the Auditor General is the chief fiscal\nwatchdog of the Commonwealth. It is responsible for using audits to\nensure that all state money is spent lega lly and properly. The auditor\ngeneral was created by an act of the Genera l Assembly in 1809. The\nauditor general was appointed by the governor unt il 1850\, when it\nbecame an elected office. The auditor general can serve a maximum of\ntwo\, four-year terms. Timothy L. DeFoor is Pennsylvania’ s 41st\nelected auditor general\, and the 50th overall to serve in the\npo sition. The mission of the Department of the Auditor General is to\nserve the people of Pennsylvania by improving government\naccountability and tra nsparency\, and ensuring the effective use of\ntaxpayer dollars.\n\nWHAT W E AUDIT\n\nThe department is responsible for three types of audits:\n\n * FINANCIAL AUDITS: Help ensure the reliability of financial\ninformation on which much of the state government operates.\n * PERFORMANCE AUDITS: Gaug e whether government programs and\nactivities are meeting stated goals and objectives\, and if tax dollars\nare being spent efficiently and effectiv ely.\n * ATTESTATION ENGAGEMENTS: Provide users of financial or\nnonfinanc ial information with assurance to the reliability of the\nrelated subject matter or assertion\, which includes examinations\,\nreviews or agreed-upo n procedures (compliance) audits.\n\nAudits of state tax dollars by the De partment of Auditor General\ninclude:\n\n * CHILDREN AND YOUTH AGENCIES: R eview cost reports for 67 county\nchildren and youth agencies to determine the proper use of state\nfunds. The money is used to administer social se rvices and to protect\nchildren and youth from abuse and neglect.\n * CORP ORATE TAX RETURNS: Review corporate tax returns after being\nprocessed by the Department of Revenue. This includes identifying\ncorporate tax return errors that can result in unpaid taxes owed to\nthe Commonwealth.\n * COM MONWEALTH BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Jointly audited with an\nindependent public accounting firm\, the Commonwealth’s Annual\nComprehensive Finan cial Report (ACFR)\, which includes the basic\nfinancial statements\, is p repared by the Office of the Budget in\nconformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The\nbasic financial statements are present ed to fairly report the\nCommonwealth’s financial position\, results of operations and changes\nin net position/fund balances.\n * DISTRICT COURTS AND COUNTY ROW OFFICES: Ensure that Commonwealth\nfines\, costs\, fees\, taxes\, restitution and surcharges are properly\nassessed\, collected\, re ceipted and remitted to the appropriate state\nagency.\n * FEDERAL FUNDS S PENT BY THE COMMONWEALTH: Jointly audited with an\nindependent public acco unting firm\, the Single Audit is performed in\naccordance with Government Auditing Standards\, and satisfies the\nrequirements of the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and the\nprovisions of OMB Circular A-133\, Audits of States\, Local Governments\nand Non-Profit Organizations. The Single Au dit reports the\nCommonwealth’s spending for approximately 300 federal p rograms\,\ncompliance with laws and regulations\, internal controls over f inancial\nreporting\, and compliance with requirements related to federal award\nprograms.\n * LIQUID FUELS TAX FUNDS: Ensure that liquid fuels tax funds\nreceived by all 67 counties were expended in accordance with variou s\nlaws and Department of Transportation regulations. A liquid fuels tax\n is a 12-cent tax imposed on each gallon of liquid fuels\, primarily\ngasol ine\, and fuels used or sold and delivered by distributors in\nPennsylvani a.\n * MUNICIPAL PENSION PLANS: Ensure that pension plans established by\n municipalities for their police officers\, paid firefighters and\nnon-unif ormed employees are properly funded and are administered in\ncompliance wi th applicable laws\, regulations\, contracts\, procedures\nand policies. T he Department of the Auditor General is required to\naudit every municipal ity which received general municipal pension\nsystem state aid.\n\n* PERFO RMANCE OF STATE PROGRAMS: Focus on whether a state program is\nworking the way it should and as its management assured the public it\nwould. Their i mpetus arises from several places: \n\n * A tip from a watchdog citizen.\n * Abuse of public funds exposed in the media.\n * An audit finding in the field.\n\n* STATE-OWNED FACILITIES: Provide independent and objective\nas sessments of programs\, activities and functions. These performance\naudit s include: \n\n * State-related and state-owned universities.\n * State ve terans centers.\n * State correctional institutions.\n * State mental heal th facilities.\n * State youth development centers.\n\n * VOLUNTEER FIREFI GHTERS’ RELIEF ASSOCIATIONS: Ensure that\nVolunteer Firefighters’ Reli ef Associations (VFRFAs) funds are spent\naccording to state law. VFRAs ar e non-profit organizations established\nto afford financial protection to volunteer firefighters who suffer\nmisfortune because of their efforts. VF RAs receive state aid from a\ntwo-percent state tax on fire insurance purc hased by Pennsylvania\nresidents from insurance companies outside the stat e. These funds are\nused to pay for insurance to protect firefighters\, pu rchase fire\nequipment and to cover volunteer training expenses. VFRAs are separate\nlegal entities from fire companies.\n\nEVENT INFORMATION\n\nJoi n representatives from the Pennsylvania Department of the Auditor\nGeneral to discover opportunities for MBA/MS candidates. The\nIntern2Hire program focuses on accounting\, finance\, computer science\,\ninformation technol ogy majors/programs and has been recently updated\nto include economics\, mathematics and data analytics majors as well.\nFull-time opportunities in clude entry-level as well as middle/upper\nmanagement.\n\nTHE PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL CANNOT SPONSOR\nINTERNATIONAL CANDIDATE S.\n\n_REGISTRANTS WILL RECEIVE A ZOOM LINK TO ATTEND THIS EVENT UPON\nREG ISTRATION AND A REMINDER ON THE MORNING OF THE EVENT._\n DTSTART:20240312T170000Z DTEND:20240312T180000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR