BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:5d6b666a6c7e5537e2396c791dbb20bf DTSTAMP:20240727T160650Z SUMMARY:Which Business MS Degree Is Right for Me? DESCRIPTION: \n\nSearching for the right MS program for you? Look no furthe r! Drexel\nUniversity’s LeBow College of Business offers MS degrees\, in cluding\nSTEM-designated degrees\, in a portfolio of part-time\, full-time and\nonline options. With specialization options and individualized caree r\ncoaching\, each of our programs can be customized to help you meet your \ncareer goals. \n\nJoin the LeBow Graduate Enrollment team for a discuss ion about\nadmissions requirements\, method of delivery\, curriculum\, cus tomization\noptions and more. Participants will have the opportunity to as k\nquestions and chat with our admissions team at the end of the\npresenta tion.\n\nEvent highlights:\n\n* Learn more about each of our MS programs a nd determine which is the\nbest fit for you\n* Understand what is unique a bout the LeBow MS experience\n* Connect with MS admissions staff to learn more about our admissions\nprocess and timing\n\n_Participants will receiv e the Zoom link upon registration._\n DTSTART:20240328T130000Z DTEND:20240328T140000Z LOCATION: -CE1E4DACB756 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR