BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:fd4275fe4f82194e0af136a9b94b78e4 DTSTAMP:20240727T131906Z SUMMARY:Drexel LeBow Alumni Networking Night DESCRIPTION: \n\nBRANCH OUT AND WATCH YOUR CONNECTIONS BLOOM!\n\nThe Drexel LeBow Alumni Association Board\n[ i-and-engagement/alumni-groups/drexel-lebow-alumni-association]\ninvites y ou to spring clean your networking skills during an exclusive\nLeBow Colle ge of Business alumni mixer at the Fitler Club\n[] — Philadelphia’s vibrant\, urban social\nclub perched along the Schuyl kill River Trail.\n\nEnjoy connecting with local alumni and business leade rs in a fun and\nrelaxed atmosphere while partaking in the club’s games\ , bowling\nlanes\, billiards table\, photo booth and more. Learn about the latest\nopportunities from Drexel and LeBow and indulge in a tasty menu o f\nhors d’oeuvres\, flatbreads and beverages.\n\n * $20 per person\n * R ecent Graduates (Classes of 2019–2023): $15 per person\n\n_Includes netw orking reception with light bites\, beer\, wine and soft\ndrinks. Registra tion is limited to alumni and up to one guest per\nalumnus/a._\n\nPREREGIS TRATION FOR THIS EVENT HAS CLOSED. PLEASE CALL 215-895-6294 IF\nYOU ARE IN TERESTED IN ATTENDING.\n DTSTART:20240425T213000Z DTEND:20240426T000000Z LOCATION:Fitler Club\, 24 S. 24th Street\, Philadelphia\, PA 19103 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR