BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:747e704369bde8719d89452d999c912f DTSTAMP:20240727T122230Z SUMMARY:Happy Hour Reception in King of Prussia\, PA\, With Drexel's Execut ive Programs DESCRIPTION: \n\nPlease join us at City Works in King of Prussia\, Pennsylv ania\, for a\nspecial happy hour to learn more about the executive program s at\nDrexel University's LeBow College of Business. Gather information\na bout admissions requirements\, scholarship opportunities and class\nschedu ling for the cohorts beginning in June and September.\n\nABOUT EXECUTIVE P ROGRAMS AT DREXEL\nDrexel LeBow's executive programs incorporate shared le arning\,\nexperiential insight and a focus on building leadership skills t hat\nwill propel professional and personal growth. The curriculum and\ncol laborative working environment are designed to fit the needs of\nexecutive -level professionals and are geared toward shaping the way\nthese professi onals think about and approach business. Our cohort\nmodel will enable you to enhance your team-building skills —\nall while making lifelong professional and personal connections.\n DTSTART:20240516T210000Z DTEND:20240516T230000Z LOCATION:City Works Restaurant and Bar\, 220 Main Street\, King of Prussia\ , PA 19406 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR