BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:c0eb0987c0250a08f9a0f88bc8080621 DTSTAMP:20240716T051502Z SUMMARY:22nd Annual LeBow Dean’s Cup Golf Tournament DESCRIPTION: \n\nVIBHAS MADAN\, PHD\, dean and R. John Chapel Jr. Dean’s Chair\, invites\nthe Bennett S. LeBow College of Business community for a day on the\nsprawling greens of the renowned Manufacturers’ Golf & Count ry Club\n[].\n\nConnect with business leaders\, comm unity members and friends in\nsupport of Drexel LeBow students\, academic programs\, research and\nspecial initiatives.\n\nMONDAY\, OCT. 21\, 2024\n \n * 11 a.m. Check-in and Lunch\n * 12 p.m. Shotgun Start (Scramble Format )\n * 5 p.m. Cocktail Reception\, Dinner and Awards\n\nREGISTRATION FEES\n \nEarly bird rates are available through Aug. 30\, 2024.\n\n TICKET\n EARL Y BIRD RATE\n REGULAR RATE\n\n Individual Golfer\n $750\n $1\,000\n\n Four some\n $2\,500\n $4\,000\n\n Reception and Dinner Only\n $125\n $125\n\n_$ 500 of each golf ticket is a benefit and is not tax deductible._ \n_The Re ception and Dinner Only fee is not tax deductible._\n\nSPONSORSHIP OPPORTU NITIES\n\nSponsorship opportunities are available. Download the flyer on t he\nright or visit our registration site\n[ 3/form/16/landing.aspx?sid=1683&pgid=4855&gid=2&cid=8696&ecid=8696&post_id =0]\nfor information on sponsor levels.\n DTSTART:20241021T150000Z DTEND:20241022T000000Z LOCATION:Manufacturers’ Golf & Country Club\, 511 Dreshertown Road\, Fort Washington\, PA 19034 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR