BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:6903e38eb2cf410b1baf37d3afb2f490 DTSTAMP:20240716T041755Z SUMMARY:LeBow Graduate Admissions Virtual Drop-In Hours DESCRIPTION: \n\nWhether you’re about to start your application\, you’v e just\nsubmitted it or you’ve been accepted\, we invite you to drop in to\nour virtual event to speak with the Drexel LeBow Graduate Student\nSer vices Enrollment team.\n\nLearn more about:\n\n * Applying to the LeBow Co llege of Business.\n * Scholarship opportunities for qualified candidates. \n * The customizable MBA curriculum\, including our Accelerated\nFull-Tim e MBA.\n * Our extensive portfolio of specialized MS business programs.\n * STEM-designated programs and concentrations.\n * Other specialization op tions\, including graduate minors\,\nconcentrations and more.\n * Experien tial learning opportunities\, such as internships\,\nconsulting projects\, international residencies and more.\n * Career support through resources and programming\, such as career\ncounseling\, professional development an d job-search coaching.\n\nTHIS IS A DROP-IN GROUP Q&A SESSION\; THERE WILL BE NO FORMAL\nPRESENTATION. PLEASE COME PREPARED WITH YOUR GENERAL QUESTI ONS FOR THE\nENROLLMENT TEAM.\n\nWe will be answering questions for the Dr exel LeBow MBA/MS programs\nonly. Applicants interested in discussing LeBo w PhD programs should\ncontact for assistance.\n\n_Aft er you register\, you’ll receive an event confirmation email with\na Zoo m link to attend. On the day of the event\, you can log on any\ntime betwe en 9 and 10 a.m. EDT to chat with our enrollment team._\n DTSTART:20240730T130000Z DTEND:20240730T140000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR