BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:c210502b66a5e4055d9669286116d181 DTSTAMP:20250115T104935Z SUMMARY:Excel for Graduate Students: PivotTables & Dashboards DESCRIPTION: \n\nDuring this interactive PivotTables and Dashboards Excel t raining\nsession\, students will learn how to:\n\n * Create\, format\, mod ify and maintain PivotTables\n * Integrate charts and graphs into PivotTab les using PivotCharts\n * Create interactive reports using “Slicers\,” which serve as\nclickable buttons to create a user-friendly dashboard\n * Perform calculations within PivotTables using “Calculated\nFields”\n\ nThis training is offered to graduate students in the MBA and MS\nprograms at the LeBow College of Business.\n\nNOTE: THIS SESSION WILL BE HELD IN-P ERSON WITH THE OPTION FOR\nATTENDANCE VIA ZOOM FO THOSE WHO CANNOT MAKE IT TO CAMPUS. THE\nMATERIALS WILL BE PROVIDED A DAY OR TWO BEFORE THE EVENT TO REGISTERED\nPARTICIPANTS (INCLUDING THE ZOOM LINK FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO ATTEND\nREMOTELY).\n DTSTART:20240819T200000Z DTEND:20240819T213000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR