BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:ceb7103c470e8d06b78e78e76efa4195 DTSTAMP:20240901T012103Z SUMMARY:Which Drexel LeBow MBA Program Is Right For Me? DESCRIPTION: \n\nSearching for the right MBA program? Look no further! Drex el\nUniversity's LeBow College of Business offers an Accelerated Full-Time \nMBA\, flexible Part-Time and Online MBAs\, and a residency-based\nExecut ive MBA. With specialization options and individualized career\ncoaching\, each of our programs can be customized to help you meet your\ncareer goal s.\n\nJoin the LeBow Graduate Enrollment team for a discussion about\nadmi ssions requirements\, method of delivery\, curriculum\, customization\nopt ions and more. Participants will have the opportunity to ask\nquestions an d chat with our admissions team at the end of the\npresentation.\n\nEvent highlights:\n\n* Learn more about each of our MBA programs and determine w hich\nmodality is the best fit for you \n* Understand what is unique about the LeBow MBA experience \n* Connect with MBA admissions staff to learn m ore about our\nadmissions process and timing \n\n DTSTART:20241023T133000Z DTEND:20241023T143000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR